Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: LaVenita Martin, founder of Oops Diapers2Go
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Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: LaVenita Martin, founder of Oops Diapers2Go

LaVenita Martin, founder of Oops Diapers2Go
LaVenita Martin, founder of Oops Diapers2Go

Have you ever been with your child at a mall or an airport with the sudden need for wipes, diapers or a snack? When it happened to me, something came to the rescue. It was the Oops Diapers2Go machine at a local mall, a brilliant idea that was well overdue. LaVenita Martin pieced together a handy unit containing everything from diaper packs and wipes to pacifiers, sippy cups and healthy snacks. Oops Diapers2Go is a one-stop solution. LaVenita got the idea when she was out with her daughter and granddaughter and they had their “oops! no diapers!” moment. She employed her extensive educational background creating a product relevant to all moms. LaVenita has aggressively worked hard over 18 months to launch this product from the ground up. Heavily relying on word of mouth, she understands the power of networking, clear goals and the need to adapt as your business grows. I asked LaVenita Martin a few questions about her creation and business process in this exclusive interview.

When did you first come up with the idea for Oops! Diapers 2Go? What inspired you?

My granddaughter was my inspiration. I was spending the day with my granddaughter and my daughter when my daughter informed me she only had one diaper in her diaper bag. Unfortunately, we did not want to purchase another package of diapers and we could not find anything to accommodate an emergency situation. This was when I realized this was a situation that needed to be solved.

Was the first model just like the ones we see at the mall now? How did you plan/sketch it?

Oops Diapers2goThe original model is like the one currently found in the malls. I received ideas from family and friends. A family member designed the logo. I chose the color scheme. I wanted primary colors of red, yellow, green and blue to symbolize children.

Based on the name of your company, your main product in the vending machine is diapers. How did you decide on other products?

I decided on other products because I realized diapers wasn’t the only item parents may forget to pack in there diaper bag. Therefore, I decided to use my slogan as Oops! Diapers 2Go “Your Diaper Bag Essentials”.

What did you do before you started Oops! Diapers 2Go? Did your previous experience help?

I have worked in education for the past twenty years. I have worked with children from infancy to ten years of age.

Do you have an office or do you work from home? How do you balance your workload with family?

It can be very challenging to work a full time job/business and family life. I take things one day at a time and I make a list of things to do and modify it daily.

How long did it take you to get the product off the ground? How much start-up capital did you need?

I went to school for a nine month program and learned the foundations of doing business from a Godly perspective. At the end of nine months I was determined to launch my business. By the end of the year I launched my first vending machine. It took approximately, eighteen months to launch my business.

$8,000 was the start-up cost. Which included registering my business, business cards, products, the vending machine, and numerous office items/supplies needed to start a business.

Do you plan to expand into other areas? If so, where geographically?

oops diapers2goOops! Diapers 2Go will expand but one thing that is key with any type of vending machine service is: location, location, location.

Do you plan to stay consistent with mall locations or are you considering airports, hotels and other places [where I always wished I had an extra diaper]?

Oops! Diapers 2Go will not remain in the malls. Many parents benefit from the service and unfortunately, doing business with the malls was not beneficial for the growth of the company. The plan for Oops! Diaper 2Go is to expand and the airports, hotels etc. are on the list of possibilities.

Which marketing tactics work best for you?

The best marketing tools are networking. I joined a networking group and I received a lot of marketing tactics. Also I have the opportunity to meet with my alumni on a monthly bases and we support each other and share marketing strategies as well. Also, I have been blessed with people spreading the word (word of mouth contacts).

What have been the biggest lessons you’ve learned so far as an entrepreneur? What advice would you give to moms that are about to start their own business?

LaVenita Martin & granddaughterThe biggest thing I have learned as an entrepreneur is to take total control and be willing to walk away from an offer if the business can not benefit from the deal.
Follow your heart and your gut. Don’t let money or negative comments stop your dream. Be willing to modify your plan based on your feelings not others. Sometimes change is necessary to reach the end result, but to give up is not a part of the equation. Most importantly seek God for guidance, peace and wisdom.

If I asked your kids/grandkids, what kind of a mom/grandmother are you?

My daughter would say I am a loving, proud and very concerned grandmother.

You can read more about Oops! Diaper 2Go at