Five ways to Get fit with your tot
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Five ways to Get fit with your tot

stroller workout
Photo by Ed Yourdon

Getting back to your pre-pregnancy size can be challenging when you have a busy schedule and kids that demand your attention every day. It’s easy to lose track of diet and even easier to avoid exercise. Yet, those are the two must-haves to stay healthy and fit, if not only for yourself but to share that energy with your kids. Plus, exercise has been proven to lower the likelihood for depression, common post-partum. Time is the biggest challenge for most moms, so our solution is including your kids in your chosen activity. There are plenty of exercise routines you can do with your kids, so you spend some quality time together and improve or maintain your fitness level. Plus, you get more social by meeting other moms. It’s a win!

Stroller Workout

The easiest way to start exercising post pregnancy is to start walking your baby in the stroller. There are many benefits to walking – from getting fresh air to getting some cardio. However, once you are ready to take it to the next level, consider joining a Stroller workout class. There are plenty of them in every area – just look up a club near you on The best known franchise for stroller workouts is called Stroller Strides. The programs vary but most commonly it’s a walk (upwards of an hour) or jog followed by toning exercises. It’s easier to stay fit when you have company, and this is one class you can take outside (though indoor programs are available too), and join other moms. Babies are ready for this when they are 6 weeks, and all Stroller Strides instructors let you take breaks, so you can attend to your baby if you need to. Find a class near you by calling 866-FIT-4MOM or online.

Yoga with Baby

Yoga is a wonderful way to relax your muscles and mind and is also nice for stretching your body and toning your muscles. Doing a class with your baby may get challenging as your tot starts to wiggle around more, but it can be a great bonding experience and a fun way to get exercise. Yoga is perhaps best for babies that don’t move around yet, so you can place them on the blanket near your yoga mat while you do some of the poses alone. You can often find this class at your local YMCA, but there is also a franchise called Itsy Bitsy Yoga offering classes that combine yoga postures to support baby development. Their classes are geared more towards babies, and yoga is proven to help babies sleep and relieve colic. But don’t worry, you will get your workout too and and you don’t need to be an expert in yoga, you will learn there. Itsy Bitsy Yoga offers classes for older babies and toddlers too, so you can continue enjoying your yoga routine with your tot. Find a class near you here. You can certainly find yoga training DVDs and free routines online to do at your own home, but going to a class has the benefit of meeting other moms, getting out of the house, and also having a trained instructor that will make sure you are doing your poses correctly.

Swimming classes

While this is more for your tot than for you, taking a swimming class together, gets you into the mood for exercise. You can find many swimming classes at your local community center. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend learning to swim until the children are 4 years old. However, they are referring to a more formal kind of swimming with strokes and direction. Learning to like the water, spending time in the water and kicking around the water can be done as early as 6 months with parent and teacher supervision. Make sure your instructor is baby friendly and is not pushing your child to try harder if he is not interested. Some babies are more cautious and will be afraid of the water. You can start by splashing some water gently on his face during bath, so the little one gets used to it. Of course, you should know CPR and always be aware of the danger when in the pool. While taking swimming classes with your baby is not a major workout at all, it’s a nice toning routine, as you lift the baby in and out of the pool and hold him for an extended duration.

Biking around town

Have you seen a little covered baby bike contraption attached to another bicycle with the mom typically at the wheel? Going on a bike ride with your tot is a perfect fitness activity to do together and a kiddie bike trailer is the answer (try InStep Quick N EZ Bicycle Trailer). The reason babies are usually positioned in the covered section is because it helps avoid injury but the canopy also offers protection from the sun and the elements. You should still have your baby wear sunscreen (as long as he is over 6 months) and a helmet. If your tot is under 1 years old, avoid bumpy roads (too much shaking), or even deflate your tires a bit. You can put a group together gathering friends or on, or get the whole family on the road. You can enjoy biking for a good 9 months during the year, and it’s a perfect way to get some air and get a great cardiovascular workout. Your tot will surely enjoy going fast.

Hiking together

Walking with a stroller is great for your heart. A more interesting experience for your baby is when he is able to witness the world around him a little better. So try hiking with a baby carrier. Put the baby in the Baby Bjorn, a sling, or any other carrier you prefer and head for the trail. When the baby is positioned outwards or behind you, make sure you are aware of your surroundings, so you avoid hitting baby’s head or face with the tree branches or bushes. Sunscreen and bug spray are essentials in the summer time, but check on the age appropriate for applying one. Dressing your tot in layers and long sleeves and pants will protect him from the sun more and also from ticks and other insects. You can hike alone, but stay close to help areas. I think, however, that as with bike riding, it is more fun to do in a group, whether family or other moms in the area.

If all else fails, check out a gym that offers babysitting on the premises or find someone to watch your tot.

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