Lessons from the Biggest Loser competition
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Lessons from the Biggest Loser competition

Interview with Gina McDonald

Gina McDonald after weight
After: 132 Pounds

Gina McDonald before Biggest Loser weight
Before: 245 Pounds

I think it takes a lot of courage to go in front of millions of people on The Biggest Loser. It also takes a lot of work to go from 245 pounds to 132, which is what Gina McDonald did on the ranch. Considering it was a lower amount of weight than many other contestants, she had to put in a lot of effort, and I remember cheering for her, for trying so hard. A busy mom of two college students and an owner of a law firm, she has a lot on her plate, yet still makes exercise and good nutrition a priority. Read more about her experience on the The Biggest Loser and fitness in this interview.

What was your biggest motivator to go on the ranch?

I was motivated to go on the ranch to get healthy and happy. I had terrible diabetes, sleep apnea, no energy, and could not walk even 500 feet before becoming winded. My obesity was ruining my family life and work life.

Was the Biggest Loser experience what you expected?

It was more than I expected. I went on the show to get physically healthy. I left the show with not only good health, but confidence, fearlessness, and so many new friends and memories.

What was your diet like before, during and after the show? What are the key differences?

My diet before the show was mainly fast food at lunch and breakfast. Dinner would usually be healthy, but I overate constantly. My life was in chaos. I had no idea what I was consuming in a day in the way of calories, and certainly no way of knowing what I was burning sitting at my desk….that is all I could do. After the ranch, I have learned to count calories in and out using my BodyMedia. I also listened to my body…time to eat is when my stomach says so, and my body now lets me know when I need to push harder in the gym. I not only buy healthy, I cook healthy.

How did you gain the weight?

I gained the weight because I was lazy and made bad choices. I let the chaos of home and work life be the excuse for not eating properly and not exercising. I knew better, but used these as my excuse.

What do you think was key to losing it?

The key was to balance my mind, body and spirit and finally believe I could do it!

How do you prevent a relapse?

I have a wide circle of honest friends. They keep me accountable. Some are friends from childhood, some friends from college, and friends I have found along this journey. My season 14 fellow cast mates keep in touch and that helps. Also Biggest Loser Alumni are a family and keep each other going.

Do you pay more attention to diet or exercise?

Definitely I watch everything I eat and count the calories. I have certain routines I do each day and the gym and will not leave without finishing.

Now that you are away from the ranch and back home, how much time do you have for exercise and how do you find time for it?

I exercise a minimum of 90 minutes a day. I am starting training for a half marathon in Panama City, FL on Dec 29 for Biggest Loser Run/Walk so my intensity will definitely increase I find time for exercise easily. I own my law firm and have an extremely flexible schedule.

What is your daily workout routine now? Do you have any favorite exercises or classes?

I run at least 3 miles each day, do body weight exercise, including 3 min plank, sit-ups, pushups, mountain climbers, bear crawl and many other variations. I also spend each workout lifting weights. I also love spinning and yoga.

How is your family dynamic different now? Did your family adopt a healthy lifestyle?

My family dynamic is incredible. This change was the one I never counted on. My husband has lost 60 pounds since I went on the show, My 21 year old daughter has lost 30 and my son has now joined the gym and easing into a new healthy lifestyle. I am loving it!!!

What are some of your biggest lessons you took away from the Biggest Loser?

The biggest lesson is to believe in yourself. Trust me people will see greatness in you while at the ranch and after….the secret is to embrace and believe it yourself.

If you were to say something to inspire people to lose weight and get healthy, what would it be?

I would tell them that if they dream it, make a goal and deadline and keep trying till it is DONE! Trust in yourself and those around you… Start now by setting aside the fear and finding the courage I know you have to achieve your dreams. YOU ARE WORTH IT! I would also tell them to find a tool like BodyMedia to help take the guesswork out of there day!