Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Susan Gmeiner, founder of Maya wrap
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Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Susan Gmeiner, founder of Maya wrap

Susan Gmeiner
Susan Gmeiner, founder of Maya Wrap

Modern moms are used to baby slings – they are convenient on the go, especially with several kids, and they make the babies instantly content. 12 years ago Susan Gmeiner, then a first time mom, decided to make her own pattern out of a ring sling, made with 100% hand-loomed fabrics, and called it a Maya Wrap. Now Maya Wrap is so popular, it’s virtually synonymous with the word baby sling. Many celebrities, including Courtney Cox and Vanessa Williams, were spotted wearing Maya Wraps. Now a mom of three, Susan has expanded the line of products, which are still comfortable and but also fashionable. How did this mom achieve such success? I asked Susan Gmeiner, owner and CEO of Maya Wrap, a few questions in this “Mom Entrepreneur” spotlight.

When and how did you come up with the idea for the Maya wrap?

I bought a front carrier for my first child. It was useful but not very comfortable. By the time he was only 15 pounds, it hurt my back so much that I had to quit using it. Then I bought an unpadded sling from a neighbor and loved it. Two years later I started making them.

Does the name have any special significance?

Most of our slings are sewn from hand-loomed fabric made in Guatemala. Maya refers to the heritage of those who loom our fabric.

What was your process for getting the new business off the ground?

I never planned to become a business woman so I had to learn as I went. I started selling locally and then started advertising in Mothering. I learned as I went. Fortunately, I had taken some accounting in college. I also had reasonably good computer skills.

What is the hardest thing about running your own business?

Maintaining balance between home and work.

What do you like about being a business owner the most?

Not having a boss.

Do you have any new products in the works?

We are working on one right now. I’d say more if we were closer to deciding that we will actually start producing it.

Do you think moms are more or less prepared to be entrepreneurs?

I don’t think motherhood means you are more or less capable of being an entrepreneur but a mother’s sense of how much time she needs to spend with her children and how many children she has certainly impacts the amount of time she has to be an entrepreneur. For most of the time that I have owned Maya Wrap, I have not worked full time. Maya Wrap has not grown as rapidly as it could have but that is fine with me.

What is your parenting style?

I am a big believer that example is the best teacher. For example, I wouldn’t watch a TV show that I didn’t want my kids watching. We have high standards in our family but I love freedom and give my children a lot of it.

What do you find most rewarding about being a mom?

I think the fact that I have them is rewarding. It is also a joy to see them growing up and making good choices.

Did you learn something from your kids that helped you in your business?

They have taught me plenty about patience, teaching, and love. If that makes me a better business woman, then the answer is yes. If not, it still helps me to be a better person.

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