Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Rebecca Cousins, founder of Freckles Crafts
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Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Rebecca Cousins, founder of Freckles Crafts

Rebecca Cousins, founder of Freckles Crafts
Rebecca Cousins, founder of Freckles Crafts

Once your child discovers arts & crafts, you will start looking for inspiration. From Michael’s to parenting magazines, local playgroups and library events, I have looked everywhere for ideas. Though our projects now resemble a shoebox of various crafting tools and a heavy load of stickers, I can certainly appreciate a crafting product that contains all the necessary elements in one convenient package, so you can follow directions and complete a craft from start to finish. Freckles Crafts offers just this kind of an ingenious product. Rebecca Cousins, the mom behind this wonderful idea is a self-starter who was inspired to start this venture by her own kids. She makes crafting easier for kids and less stressful for parents. Read our interview with this Mom Entrepreneur to see how Freckles Crafts business was born and what keeps it growing.

When and how did you come with the idea for Freckles Crafts?

I came up with the idea for Freckles Crafts several years ago when I was involved in numerous playgroups with my then three year old son and newborn. Often the topic of conversation would turn to what we do to keep our kids entertained. For me, the answer was crafts. My oldest child and I did crafts together almost every day. So often, I would hear other moms say how much they would love to craft with their kids but could not come up with the craft ideas and felt overwhelmed by going to the store to buy the supplies needed to create something. They had tried other “mail order” crafts and were not happy with the quality, nor did they really want large quantities of each craft. Overall these moms just became frustrated with the whole idea of crafting. I felt there was a true need for a high quality product that would allow moms the opportunity to enjoy crafting with their kids in a convenient, non intimidating way. Something they could just pull out at a moments notice and not have to worry about coming up with an idea or searching for supplies. That’s when the idea of a craft kit containing everything needed to make one craft came about and Freckles Crafts was born!

Do you have artistic background or are you just a creative person?

I have always been creative. As a child, I was always drawing, crafting or writing stories. As I got older I realized that I had a passion for working with my hands. I started taking pottery classes in high school and considered pursuing an art major degree in college. After one semester as an art major, I ended up going in a different direction with my education, but I have always longed to follow my initial love of art. By pursuing my creative passion through Freckles Crafts I feel very fulfilled both professionally and creatively.

How did you come up with the name and the image of the frog with freckles?

Freckles CraftsThe name for the company came before the actual company! Many years ago, I decided that if I ever started a company that marketed a product for kids that I would call it Freckles. When I came up with the craft kit idea, it seemed natural to call it Freckles Crafts. It sounded kind of quirky and fun and I thought it would be easy for people to remember. The logo idea came from my son. I knew that I wanted the logo to be some kind of animal or character that kids would think was cute and something easy to recognize. I asked my oldest son what he thought of when he heard the word freckles. He said, “a frog!” I came up with the concept of how I thought the frog should look and had an illustrator draw it. Several aspects of the frog are very personal to me because he is a representation of my two boys: big blue eyes, lots of freckles and a big bright smile. He makes me smile every time I look at him!

What was your process for getting this business off the ground? How soon did you start seeing orders picking up?

As with starting any business, it did not happen overnight. It took a lot of careful planning and research. While I am no stranger to owning a company, my other business was service oriented and did not deal with product sales. I have learned so much in the process of establishing Freckles Crafts. I knew nothing about packaging, rules and regulations surrounding products for kids, or even how to price a product! There were so many times I became overwhelmed and had to take a step back and focus on the lighter side of the business which was creating the crafts. Finding that balance was the key to keeping me motivated. I am so fortunate to have a great support system of family and friends who are always willing to listen to my ideas and offer advice or resources to help me achieve my goals. Having a cheering section can really get you though those tough days when you begin to wonder what you have gotten yourself into!

Now that Freckles Crafts is officially open as of March 2010, I look back on the last year of challenges – it’s all been worth it! Sales are starting to pick up and I feel so proud of all that I have accomplished. I look forward to the next phase, the new challenges I will face, and the learning experiences they will bring!

How much start-up capital did you invest from the start?

My initial seed money was around $3000. I used that money to hire an illustrator to create my logo, register my business and company name, print business cards and packaging, as well as design a website and purchase some equipment and materials.

What makes your work rewarding and what makes it challenging?

Following my passion and doing something I love is very rewarding. How many people can say that they are following their dream when they go to work in the morning! I also get a lot of satisfaction by knowing that Freckles Craft kits are making life easier for parents and also making children happy. There is nothing more satisfying than the look on a child’s face after they have completed a craft. It is a look of pride and fulfillment in a job completed. It says, “wow, I did that! Cool!” Gets to me every time!

The most challenging part of my work is finding a balance between work, family, and home. Working from home is wonderful because it gives me the freedom to be with my children and be a daily presence in their lives. On the other hand, when you work from home it can be difficult to separate work-time and family time. I have had to learn to set boundaries for myself so that I am not constantly tending to my business. In order to accomplish this, I will often wake up early to answer emails and check for orders that need to be processed. At night, when the kids go to bed, I will assemble craft kits while spending time with my husband. The biggest lesson I have learned from running a business is that I have to let some things go. My house may not be the cleanest and I may not always be able to volunteer for every PTA event, but by keeping my focus on my family and our goals everything else just seems to fall into place.

How often do you come up with new craft ideas? Are you planning to expand into new types of crafts?

Freckles CraftsI find inspiration everywhere; but, most of my ideas for crafts come to me when I am playing with my kids. I like to see what they find exciting, and then come up with a craft to represent that idea. I currently offer crafts in many different types of materials such as wood, paper mache, beads, etc. I offer crafts suitable for boys and/or girls of various ages and I also carry holiday themed crafts. I frequently add new products to my website, and in the near future, I would like to include more accessories such as art mats, smocks, and party packs.

What are your favorite crafting resources and retailers?

All of the Freckles Crafts products are created and hand packaged by me; therefore, I have had to do a lot of research and trial to find a list of trusted vendors who can provide me with safe, high quality, supplies to use in my craft kits. When I consider a retailer to purchase from I look for one that offers products that are high quality, preferably made in the USA, and one who offers non-toxic materials. Finally, I shop around for the lowest prices that I can get. If that means ordering something online or shopping at my local stores, I know I am providing my customers with a safe, high quality, low cost product.

Which crafts are most popular on the site? Do you remember which product was the first one you ever sold?

The first craft I ever sold was Betty the Bunny. I actually created this craft for a school classroom party. I remember how exciting it was to package all of those crafts and to think about the kids who would be making them. The most popular products on the website currently are the pea pot crafts: Bella the Butterfly and Peter the Pea Pot Critter. The puppets have also been really popular for younger kids and I have had several large orders of these to be used in lieu of goody bags at birthday parties!

What effect has your work had on your kids and your family overall?

Rebecca CousinsI think it has been a very positive experience for our family. It has been a lot of work but has truly been a wonderful experience getting Freckles Crafts off the ground. My husband is very supportive and has taken on extra responsibilities around the house to lighten my load and of course, the kids enjoy having me at home! While this has been more work than any other job I’ve had, I am happier and more fulfilled than I have ever been at work. I think this alone helps to create a positive vibe in our home.

Do your kids help you with the business? What do they think about your working from home? Do you work from home?

My children are young—six and four, and while they can not help out in the day to day tasks of running a business, they do each help in their own way. First off, they are a huge source of inspiration for the crafts. Several of the crafts were born from projects that my kids and I have worked on together. They are also my product testers. All of my crafts are kid tested for ease of use and fun! They love being able to try all the new craft ideas before they get added to the line. I think they like that I work from home. It allows me to be flexible with my schedule and spend more time with them during the day, volunteer at school functions, and attend their sporting events.

If I asked your kids, what kind of mom are you, what would they say?

They would tell you that I am hard working, fun to play with, good at crafts, and that I give awesome snuggles!

Learn more about Freckles Crafts and order a kit for your child at