Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Phyllis Pometta, founder of Baby Swags
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Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Phyllis Pometta, founder of Baby Swags

Phyllis Pometta, founder of Baby Swags
Phyllis Pometta, founder of Baby Swags

Phyllis Pometta knows the ins and outs of a small business, having worked both on the marketing and PR side and having used her creativity selling her own products. She understands the allure of our celebrity driven society, so her Baby Swags company made for a simple business concept – getting products in the hands of celebrities and in return getting the much needed buzz for these products. The pay-off is tremendous – businesses that work with Baby Swags gain both visibility and credibility, through celebrity use. This mom of three is passionate about her business and is a wonderful role model for her kids who are learning a little about entrepreneurship. Her approach to business is just as personal and brands like vitaminwater, Mom Central, Boogie Wipes, Babalu and Sass Factory, among numerous others, have reaped the results. Read my interview with Phyllis Pometta, owner of Baby Swags, and learn why the right communication tools are the key to any successful business.

How did you come up with the idea for Baby Swags?

I started Baby Swags in 2006 after returning home from a celebrity gift suite with my then product-based business. While I was there I noticed that a majority of the companies there were mom-based businesses who were also struggling {financially} to even be there in that moment. When I returned home I thought about what it was that we all wanted – to just get our products into the hands of celebrities. That is when it clicked… we needed Baby Swags. Baby Swags was up and fully running within one month and has been going strong ever since. The main goal for Baby Swags was to help and assist small businesses {mostly WAHM businesses} gain exposure via celebrity gifting.

Why is celebrity approval (by use) of products so alluring/compelling to the public?

I am not sure when it started, but we are a celebrity driven society. Not all are lured in by celebrity status, but celebrity is everywhere you look: in the newspaper, in magazines, on reality TV shows, online, social media. Some people want what celebrities have and will go to any cost to get it. When we see a celebrity using a product, it creates brand awareness and instant credibility for that particular business and/or product. It doesn’t just stop at sending a product to a celebrity though. The brand needs to make sure that the sighting is maximized to its fullest by coming up with a solid marketing plan for before, during and after a gifting.

How do you prioritize work being a mom of three?

Balance is an easier word to say than do. When I started the business I always said that my children and family come first…and they do. If one of my children gets sick or is struggling with something or has a choir concert, baseball game, or gymnastics, I’m mom. I wear many hats and I used to try to do “it all”, but I learned early on that I just can’t be everything to everyone. All I can do is my best, and if I have done that throughout the day, then it was a great, successful day!

Do your kids get involved in your work?

My oldest {now 14} held an interest in the celebrity teen world and as a result, we started a blog for her {} to which she had outgrown within a year. I try to keep that blog current, in case she changes her mind and takes it up at another time. My son {now 11) couldn’t care less. If it was baseball or gaming related, he’d be all over it but he doesn’t get involved much with this business and that’s OK. My youngest {now 8} has always found what I do exciting. She loves to help package the gifts, tape the boxes closed, put our logo stickers on the outside of the box and go to FedEx with me to deliver them. I could see her helping me a lot as she gets older and I’d love to have her working with me when the time is right.

As someone well versed in PR work, please tell us what you see as the biggest benefits of PR for brands?

A successful PR campaign has the ability to reach a larger audience, strengthen a company’s image, and creates brand awareness and credibility, at a minimal cost. Being active on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram, for example, will help generate brand exposure. You should never be afraid to take advantage of telling your audience about your products and/or service.

What’s your biggest success with Baby Swags so far?

Baby SwagsEvery sighting is a huge success for Baby Swags. We treat each product sighting as if it were our first. I personally get so excited that I run around, jumping up and down with happiness, not for me, but for the company that is being represented. To name a few of my biggest successes: having products appear on The Doctors, being a part of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s brother and sister-in-laws baby shower, working on one of our Mother’s Day giftings with Tori Spelling’s brand, little maven by Tori Spelling.

What are your lessons learned with Baby Swags so far?

Every day is a new learning experience for Baby Swags. The biggest lesson that I have had to learn is not to take things personally. I give my whole heart to what I do and my clients know that I am a WAHM, just like a majority of them. So sometimes it’s hard to separate my business feelings with my personal feelings.

How does social media play into your marketing strategy for Baby Swags and where do you see it moving forward?

Social media is a huge part of Baby Swags. I am very active on Twitter and Facebook and try to add content to Pinterest, LinkedIn and Instagram at least a few times a week. It is so important for me to continue introducing my brand to other small businesses, WAHM’s and marketing/PR reps as well as interact with many celebrities who are also involved in social media. I love being on Twitter and sharing the information on the different brands that I work with to the followers who may not have had access to them previously. It’s fast paced, but well worth the effort it takes to remain active. I do not see social media going anywhere any time soon, so if you think you can just skip over it, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to interact with your potential client and/or customer.

What are your favorite trade shows for Mompreneurs?

The only one that I have ever been to and feel is the best there is, is ABC Kids Expo. There are others out there, but for the trade, this is where you need to be. It’s a great show to be a part of.

Which celebrity would you like most to work with next?

Oh gosh, that is a tough one, as there are so many! I am a talk show and reality TV junkie! I would LOVE to work with Ellen DeGeneres, Kelly Ripa, Anderson Cooper, and of course, Ricki Lake! My reality faves are the Real Housewives of anywhere, ohhhh and Giuliana and Bill Rancic!!! I could go on!!!

Please tell us a little about your Tots to Teens magazine

Tots To Teens Magazine was started as an outlet for me. As you know, being a mom of three could alone create some stressful moments and it was started as a place for me to share my thoughts and feelings in dealing with a {when I started it, an 11 year old} tween-aged daughter. She was on the verge of going through some tough times dealing with serious situations of being bullied and then transitioning from wanting to be with mom to her thinking I am an alien with four heads. I was also starting to get active with my son and his travel baseball dream that leads me from game to game every weekend beginning in April and ending in mid-July. Then there is my youngest who is constantly keeping me on my toes! I needed a place to let those pent up emotions loose! After realizing that there was not a forum for me to do that, I created my own that I called, Tots To Teens & in*B*tweens and it snowballed from there into a fun mom blog that has about 4 other moms sharing their daily stories in a fun-light-hearted way. Since its start, I have created a digital magazine sharing some of our favorite products, with our most anticipated Holiday Gift Guide taking the lead. It is a lot of fun and I guess you could say it is my hobby…my escape!

If I asked your kids, what kind of a mom are you?

Baby Swags famiyIf you asked my oldest, she’d say, I am weird, but what mom isn’t weird in the eyes of their 14 year old? My son and I laugh a lot together. We are always cracking jokes with one another that not everyone would understand. We just have that goofy bond that only we get. My youngest would say I work really hard and I inspire her. She sees what hard work can lead to and she is always coming up with business ideas of her own…such as selling folded paper fans colored and decorated with things people like. Of course, mom would buy one, but I am not sure how far they would go in the real world, but seeing her business wheels turning at such a young age makes me so proud. Other than that, I have an amazing relationship with all my children. I have always been open and honest with them {age appropriately} about life situations, love, friendships, etc… They know, no matter what, I will always be there for them. They know that they can come to me with anything and I would never judge them, and always respect them and their feelings. I can be there to guide them, but life is always about choices and sometimes we make the right ones, and sometimes not, but when we make those choices that are not right, as long as we learn from them, then it really wasn’t a wrong choice at all.