Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Lisa Druxman, founder of Stroller Strides
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Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Lisa Druxman, founder of Stroller Strides

Lisa Druxman, founder of Stroller Strides
Lisa Druxman, founder of Stroller Strides

Lisa Druxman, creator of Stroller Strides and Fit4Baby, has been featured on the Today Show, CNN, Entrepreneur and Self among others. Winner of various business awards and inspired by her own kids, Lisa helps new mothers get back in shape while empowering new mom franchisees. Stroller Strides is one of the fastest growing franchises in the country with over 700 instructors in 1000 locations. Her latest is Lean Mommy book and Mommy Owned Business Academy program. She is happy to share her business and fitness advice with because it’s not just a job for her but rather a passion for fitness and motherhood combined.

What was the first location for Stroller Strides?

It was literally at a park across the street from my house in Encinitas, CA. That location still exists today.

How did you start Stroller Strides?

Stroller Strides was one of those “ah ha moments” in your life. I was a new mom on maternity leave and every moment was precious to me. I loved working in the fitness industry but did not want to go back to work full time in a traditional capacity. Unfortunately, I could not afford to be a stay at home mom. So while working out with my son, I realized that I could help other moms get back in to shape if I put a class together. This would help me too because I did not know any new moms and was looking for a way to connect. I started with just a few moms in my local neighbourhood and word soon spread and we grew quickly from there.

Who and how came up with the name “Stroller Strides”?

Believe it or not, I came up with it on that very first workout with my son when I came up with the idea for classes. I have always found that my best ideas come during a workout. It must spark something in my brain. I’m just surprised I stuck with that first idea!

What would you consider a business success?

Stroller Strides has many feel good stories that I consider a success. My personal success for this business is giving women across the country career opportunities that are supportive of motherhood through our franchise.

Is there a woman entrepreneur that you admire?

There are many. I love Maria Bailey (author of Trillion Dollar Mom and owner of BSM Media). My current favourite is Lynda Resnick. She is the owner of Telelflora, FIJI water and POM. She gets credit for creating some of our world’s favourite brands. And she is a mom!

Being in the Fitness business, how do you find time to exercise?

It is kind of part of the job as I still do teach and get a bit of a workout when I do so. But besides that, I force myself to book workout time just like any other appointment. It’s a must for me. I don’t function well without exercise.

Do you have a preferred fitness routine?

My favourite thing is running, whether with my workout partner or on my own. I do high intensity strength training just because I like to feel strong, but it doesn’t give me that high that running does.

Do you think Moms should wait until kids are older before starting their own business or it’s never too early?

Hmmmm. Hard question to answer. I think it’s never too early (I started when Jake was 3 months); BUT I think it gets easier as your kids get older. If I didn’t start my business, I would have been working a traditional job 40+ hours per week and missing out on a lot of time with my son. So for me, starting a business was better. But if you could be home, I would say to go for it. They are truly only young once and the best job you could have is to be there for them.

How do you balance working and being a mom? Can you share any lessons learned?

1) Have a plan. If you just wait for work time to happen, it never will. Plans may fall through if kids don’t nap, get sick or nanny cancels but at least you get it done more often than not. 2) Be organized and stay organized. Your work time is precious. If you have to search through files and organize yourself every time you sit down, you waste that precious work time. Be ready to work efficiently as soon as you sit down. Don’t answer your home phone just because you’re home. 3) Work on the fringe hours of the day. You’ll get a lot of work done before your family wakes up or after they go to bed.

If I asked your kids what kind of a mom you are, what would they say?

Probably busy! I hope they would say that I’m a fun mom. I ask a lot of questions. They might say I talk too much!

Why did you start “Moms with a Mission”?

I found out very early that there is great power when moms get together. When you become a mom, you become raw to the world. You want to right the wrongs and make the world a better place for your children. A lot of moms just don’t know how or where to start. Our Moms With A Mission Program give them the outlet and places to make a difference.

Do you think Moms have special skills that others don’t?

Absolutely! Moms need to multi task in a way that most don’t. They also learn to put someone else before their own needs. That changes how you live.

Are there some business resources you find most helpful?

There are so many. I couldn’t live without the internet. was always a great resource for me. I think that’s why I’m so excited to write for them. I think that SCORE and the are also great resources.

What advice would you offer to moms who want to start their own home business?

1) think about WHY you want to do this. It will help you stay on track. My purpose was so that I could have a career that was supportive of motherhood. This purpose has totally driven many decisions about how I’ve grown the business. 2) Be passionate about your idea 3) Learn from others who have grown their own company. ASK ask ask questions. There are so many answers out there. NO reason to reinvent the wheel.

You can find more information about Stroller Strides fitness programs, LEAN Mommy and Mommy Owned Business Academy at

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