Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Julie Cole, co-founder of Mabel’s Labels
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Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Julie Cole, co-founder of Mabel’s Labels

Julie Cole, co-founder of Mabels' Labels
Julie Cole, co-founder of Mabels’ Labels

Someone raising six kids is a super-mom in my book. Add to that a savvy entrepreneur and you can understand why Julie Cole created Mabel’s Labels. Aren’t the best mom products developed out of a dire need unfulfilled by the marketplace? Julie and three of her Mabel’s Labels co-founders developed a brand that is a synonym for children’s label products – a true brand. The best thing about it is that it’s a product that will never go out of style – as long as there are kids, there will be a need for keeping things organized. Julie is an active blogger who was on to social media in the early days, so no wonder Mabel’s Labels (@Mabelhood) has close to 8500 Twitter followers as of today. What keeps this company current, I think, is consistent innovation – they are constantly coming up with new products and that is the essence of entrepreneurship. As Julie Cole says, “Don’t get so busy working in the business that you forget it is your job to work on the business.” Read my interview with this outstanding mom entrepreneur below.

Please tell us the Mabel’s Labels story. How did it begin?

I started this business with three other women. We were having children and looking to move away from the traditional workforce as a means of striking a more balanced lifestyle. We often gathered with our children and noticed that belongings were getting lost or left behind. It was time to create a cute and durable product that we knew other moms would love and need as much as we did. We have not looked back!

Where does the name come from?

Mabel's LabelsWe wanted a character that would personify the company. We had a vision of who she was but needed to name her. The name Mabel just ‘came to us’. We thought it was cute and unique in a way that would stand out. It has been a winner – everyone remembers our company name.

What did you do before you co-founded Mabel’s Labels?

The four co-founders have very different professional backgrounds. I was a lawyer and among my business partners there was a teacher, a financial planner and a graphics manager.

How many types of labels and label varieties do you offer? Where did you start and what is the latest addition?

We started off over 7 years ago with our Classic Sticky Label, which is dishwasher and microwave safe – perfect for bottles, sippy cups, snack containers, etc. We roll out new products regularly and our label line now includes shoe labels, bag tags, clothing labels, household labels, Allergy Alerts and many more. Check out the entire line at

How long did it take you to get the product off the ground? How much start-up capital did you need?

Because we were introducing a new product to the market, we had to show people that they needed this product. Luckily, because the product is so cute and practical, that was easily done. We experienced significant growth in our very first year and have continued to grow each year. We self-funded our start-up, which is not uncommon for women entrepreneurs.

When and how did you know Mabel’s Labels was a success?

We have felt a level of personal success from the start because, first and foremost, we are doing what we love. We feel accomplished every day when we look around at what we have created – innovative products, a remarkable corporate culture, a strong team of leaders and most of all, our “Mabelhood” community of customers. There have certainly been other great moments of pride – winning the RBC Canadian Woman Entrepreneur Momentum Award, the Savvymom Mompreneur of the Year Award, along with several other business awards. We’ve received a significant amount of media coverage, including spots in hundreds of magazines, newspapers, blogs, etc. A definite highlight was when our products were discussed on popular daytime TV show, The View.

Which marketing tactics have contributed the most to your business growth?

We are big believers in social media. We were early adopters and recognized its value in the very early days. Our market is busy moms and social media allows us to connect with them, and in turn they engage in conversations about our business. Word of mouth is invaluable in our market. Our loyal customers have been spreading the word about Mabel’s Labels through Facebook, Twitter, blogs, message boards, etc. These tools provide simple ways for us to reach our customers and stay connected with our market. At Mabel’s Labels, the relationship we have with our customers is paramount – social media provides a vehicle for that. As an active blogger myself, I am a part of the blogging community.

What have been the biggest lessons you’ve learned so far as an entrepreneur? What advice would you give to moms that are about to start their own business?

  • Use your social capital. You know people who can help you. Do not be afraid to ask for advice.
  • Don’t get so busy working in the business that you forget it is your job to work on the business.
  • If you don’t love it, don’t do it. This applies to everything – from how an ad looks or a phrase in your brochure sounds, to the actual work you do every day.
  • Know that sometimes you have to put the cart before the horse if you want to grow. That can be very frightening, but if you don’t take risks, your business will not move to the next level.
  • While you may be the “boss”, treat everyone else like they are your boss – your customers, suppliers, employees, etc. If you are not completely accountable to them, you won’t be the boss for long!

Your product essentially aims at helping families get better organized. How do you stay organized? What is your favorite organizational tip?

Julie ColeI have a lot to say on this topic, but the one tip I will give is that if you train each of your children to be independent, your family will be better organized in everything they do. A simple example, that I use in my house, is a chart on the wall called the Before School Plan. Listed on the chart are all the morning activities that need to be done – get dressed, eat breakfast, put agenda in backpack, pack water bottle, etc. If someone is wandering around aimlessly in the morning, I send them over to the chart to get them back on track. Certainly in the short term it might be easier to just do it for them, but that is not a good long term strategy! And obviously, my children’s belongings are very well labeled which helps them to keep organized.

I love your blog, Who on your team does the most blogging?

Our Social Media Coordinator, Caitlin, blogs about happenings around Mabel’s Labels HQ and about our products. I blog primarily about the fun and antics around having a lot of kids and running a business. Blogging is a great way to stay connected with our community.

I have to ask this, what do you find more challenging – raising your 6 kids or working on this business?

Both are challenging and rewarding for different reasons. I often say that starting a business feels a bit like having a baby – we created Mabel, nurture Mabel and watch her grow! Of course, balancing the kids and the business is the true challenge.

If I asked your kids, what kind of a mom are you?

That’s a great question! I don’t take a whole lot of nonsense from them so they may say that I’m a bit mean or strict! But I hope that they would also say that I’m the kind of mom who is always there for them and that I always make them feel good about who they are. I love taking them on outings and adventures so we do have a lot of fun together.

Connect with the Julie and other Mabel moms on and order some very helpful labels at