Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Dea Viola, founder of The  Baby Flamingo Company
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Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Dea Viola, founder of The  Baby Flamingo Company

dea viola A simple need for a bigger, more comfortable baby towel grew into a practical product – a solution Déa Viola found and tried on her kids, and a new business was born. Baby Flamingo is a perfect name for her enterprise – it’s a great reflection of the creativity she has shown throughout her life. Whether dancing with the Joffrey Ballet, or on the set of “Scent of a Woman”, teaching music or playing in a band, sewing children’s accessories, this Brazilian born mom is passionate about life and she is an inspiration to her kids who are very proud of her. Déa approaches her business the same way moms go through raising children – one step at a time. As with kids, nothing in business can be done simultaneously, but as long as you make an effort on something each and every day, you progress forward. And forward is where Baby Flamingo is headed. Read Déa Viola’s answers to my questions in the latest Mom Entrepreneur Spotlight.

When and how did you come up with the idea for The Mama Taco Towel™?

As a mother of 5, I have always found it difficult to either reach for a towel during bath time or hold one without dropping it while attending to my babies. Having my hands free was essential to having a safe bath time experience. Twenty-three  years ago, with my  two older children I used to tuck the corner of a plain towel under the neckline of my shirt, and that gave me the idea to create The Mama Taco Towel™  and Lettuce Wash Your Fingers and Tomatoes Washcloth and Sponge Set™. I have used my design on  all 3 of my younger children, all with different body sizes and shapes, and found it extremely helpful at every age. Also, I wanted to make it fun, cozy and cute, so I used a very soft fabric that was easy to care for, and offered a food theme.

Does the name have any special significance?

I just thought it was so cute to wrap my baby in a cozy and fun way. It made me think that my baby and the love we shared made the most wonderful feeling, therefore just adding to the bonding experience. Bath time can be hectic,  especially for 1st time moms , so I thought if I gave it a food theme, it would make it more fun and more of a worry-free experience! Besides it makes bath time less intimidating and it invites daddy to be a part of it , or any other caregiver.

What was your process for getting the new business off the ground?

My process was definitely long, and taxing because I, like many mompreneurs  out there, did not have the “extra time” to work. So it required me to work late hours, in between feedings, when I really needed to be resting. The most important thing though, I must say, it was that no matter how much I had to do, it was fundamental to at least do one thing daily. I did one thing for my business everyday for many years. And sometimes I only organized my papers, made a “to-do” list, or just made a phone call. But that was something and at the end of 30 days I had accomplished 30 things.

How much start-up capital did you need?

I ended up using around $7.000,00. The start up capital was used for web design, business cards, logo design, care labels, fabric, and all materials like gift wrapping, ribbons,  boxes, setting up bank account, merchant account, and so many other little things that added up. I definitely could have used more money, but I was able to cut down a lot of the costs by doing all of my logo design, and shopping around for the greatest deals.

You have an impressive artistic background. How did it help with this product?

baby flamingoThank you, Anna. I think that The Mama Taco Towel™ is a perfect extension of my personality. I consider myself creative, versatile, multi-dimensional. I was born and raised in Brazil, and I started sewing at the age of 12. I have always liked to make things and I was always very visual. Creativity was always a part of my daily life and I guess I grew up around “costumes, stage, and lights”. I am sure that influenced the way I’ve nurtured my artistic and creative endeavors.

As a mom of 5, what are some child products you find impossible to live without?

Keeping in mind that I have raised 2 of children 2 decades ago, who are 23 and 21, and the later 3 are 9, 4, and 22 months old, I think moms are amazing because they can raise their children virtually without any gadgets, as I did twenty-three years ago. However, having had the opportunity to use a lot of the new products out there, I have to list a few of my favorites: first and foremost, disposable diapers, I have used both cloth and disposable. A good breast pump, I have breast fed all of my children, and I also have combined breast and bottle feedings for the last two. The breast pump was great to have when the baby slept that extra hour and I was in so much pain. A nursing pillow. It was difficult nursing in the dark in the middle of the night, half asleep. The nursing pillow was perfect  for one of my babies who was small, and I could actually change  his diapers while feeding him, his tiny back was perfectly supported and by putting one of my arms behind him I could prevent him from rolling out of the pillow, and I would also avoid waking him up for a diaper change after the feeding. Thankfully I have created 3 more products that fit the category of must have as a new mom and we will be upgrading our site soon. Follow us @  for the latest updates.

What do you like about being a business owner the most?

It’s exciting to add another dimension to the person I am.  I feel so proud of my accomplishments, especially because I feel I can be an inspiration to my children. I want them to pursue their dreams, I want them to exercise their creativity too. Creativity most of the time, ends up involving others, where they can learn to interact and respect others, and where they can learn about their difference of opinions and views. Besides it can give them the opportunity to learn new things about themselves. Last but not least, eventually, they will grow up and go away to live their own lives, and I still want to continue my life, and feel fulfilled.

What’s next for you?

I am about to go into my next inventory production to meet demand. With the holidays just around the corner, and having just received $15,000.00 grant from  the Huggies® MomInspired™ Grant Program, it seems like the “right” next step.

Do you have any new products in the works?

Yes. The Baby Flamingo Co. has 4 new and ready products to be added to our site later down the road. A Pet Division is also a part of my future plans.

Do you think moms are more qualified to be entrepreneurs?

Not more or less than anyone else, however without a doubt moms in general make great entrepreneurs, because of their ability to multitask, work under pressure, work  with the unexpected, deal with many people at once, mediate and manage, and because they can come up with great ideas out of pure necessity which means ideas that work.

I noticed your son helped you with site design. How involved have your kids been in your business?

My son John, who is 21, has been extremely helpful in creating the site for my company. It has been a life saver financially. Building a site can be costly. Besides, his expertise has helped me translate some of my needs. I don’t always know what I want on the site but he has made many helpful suggestions and changes. My dream is to grow enough as a Company that it’ll become our family business.

What one piece of advice would you give to moms wishing to work from home?

If that is a dream of yours, go for it!  At the end of the day, happy mom, happy home! Just keep it within your own reach. It is important to set realistic goals for you as a mom, and for your company. It is crucial to do something everyday towards your business, as it is to know that you can not do EVERYTHING every day! :O)

If I asked your kids, what kind of a mom are you?

I thought I better let them tell you in their own words, (well, the older two are away in college and they sent TXT messages!)

Daniel Thomas,  22 months – says:  “Mama, Mama!” (I love being a mom for this reason, no matter what,  “Mama , Mama!” We are all they see! We can do no wrong! We are perfect!  :O)  )

Giuliana Sofia 4- says:  “My mommy is a Huggies Inspired Mom! (The Mama Taco Towel TM recently won a 15,000 grant from The Huggies MomInspired Grant Program 2010, out of nearly 500 contestants, 13 fabulous women and their 12 products were selected.) To learn more go to

Thomas John, 9 –  says:  “you are a special Mom because you do special stuff with us, and you help us with the things we cannot figure out.”

John Lucas, 21- txt message “you are a very loving and dedicated mom!”

Maria Raquel , 23 – txt message  “the kind of mom that inspires her children to be great, without passing judgment and always hoping for our growth and happiness. You let us be who we are and as different as we are, we know you love us just the same…you embrace us all the same ;)”

Final thought: I love being a mom and I am always a mom first, but it has been extremely rewarding to be able to express myself in a creative way, and also in a way that involves my job as a mother, which includes finding simple solutions to everyday struggles. At The Baby Flamingo Co., our  mission is to create unique gift ideas for parents and their baby’s basic needs.

You can learn more about Baby Flamingo at