Top Attractions in London
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Top Attractions in London

Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Tour and Exhibition

Shakespeare TheaterLondon sightseeing visitors can enjoy a trip back in time with a visit to the spectacular Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. Situated on London’s Bankside, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre reconstruction the original building that housed Shakespeare’s theatre in London, an open-air playhouse where the playwright penned many of his greatest plays. This modern building is a faithful reconstruction of the Globe, first built in 1599, and perfectly evokes the atmosphere of Elizabethan London. Resident storytellers on the Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Tour and Exhibition introduce visitors to all aspects of the Globe, historical and contemporary, including Sam Wannamaker’s epic struggle to recreate the theatre.

Normal Entry Price: Adult: £10.50

Normal Entry Price: Child: £6.50

Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court PalaceThe flamboyant Henry VIII is most associated with this majestic palace, which he extended and developed after acquiring it in the 1520s. Its many royal occupants have ensured the palace has fabulous furnishings, tapestries and paintings. It is set in 60 acres of formal gardens, which include the famous maze and the Great Vine. The re-presented Tudor palace plays host every day to a wedding (until 31 Dec. 2009) – not just any wedding but that of Henry VIII to his sixth wife, Kateryn Parr! Henry VIII: heads and hearts, invites visitors to the lavishly dressed rooms throughout the Tudor palace, feasting in the Great Hall and debates in the newly-opened Council Chamber. Whether seeing the palace decked out in splendour, passing warders in their Tudor inspired uniform, or meeting Henry and Kateryn ‘at home’ every day, you can revel in this moment of history that happened at Hampton Court in 1543.

Normal Entry Price: Adult: £14.00

Normal Entry Price: Child: £7.00

National Theatre Backstage Tours

Royal Backstage tourThe National Theatre is one of the UK’s foremost venues for contemporary and classic theatre, scene of some the greatest performances of all time from some of world’s most famous actors and actresses. With London Pass you can indulge your theatrical tastes and see what goes on behind the scenes with Royal National Theatre Backstage Tours – free to pass holders. Normal adult entry price is £5. Situated on the South Bank close to Royal Festival Hall and the Hayward Gallery, National Theatre tours run several times a day and last about 75 minutes. Advance booking is recommended as theatre tour times vary according to rehearsals and performances.

Normal Entry Price: Adult: £5.90

Normal Entry Price: Child: £4.90

Windsor Castle

Windsor CastleA must see for London visitors, Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and official residence her majesty the Queen. The magnificent State Apartments are lavishly furnished with treasures from the Royal Collection, including masterpieces by Rubens, Holbein, Brueghel and Van Dyck. You can get there from London Paddington in around 30 minutes.

Normal Entry Price: Adult: £15.50

Normal Entry Price: Child: £9.00

Thames River Boat Cruise

Thames river cruiseA Thames river cruise is without doubt one of the best ways to see London, weaving through the heart of the city and past so many of its most famous attractions.

See and experience the sights and splendour of this great city from the relaxed comfort of a City Cruises modern, all-weather boats with open upper decks and spacious lower saloons with panoramic windows.

Normal Entry Price: Adult: £11.50

Normal Entry Price: Child: £5.75

The Tower of London

The Tower of LondonThe ancient stones reverberate with dark secrets, priceless jewels glint in fortified vaults and pampered ravens strut the grounds. The Tower of London is one of the world’s most famous fortresses and has seen service as royal palace, prison, armoury and even zoo! It is still home to the Crown Jewels and Beefeaters.

Normal Entry Price: Adult: £17.00

Normal Entry Price: Child: £9.50

Chelsea Physic Garden

Chelsea Physic GardenOften cited as one of a few ‘secret’ London gardens, the Chelsea Physic Garden was founded in 1673 and is still committed to research into ‘the properties, origins and conservation of over 5000 species’. The Chelsea Physic Garden offers many exclusive events and openings throughout the year. London visitors are advised to ring in advance to check the availability of these events, as most are seasonal.

Normal Entry Price: Adult: £8.00

Normal Entry Price: Child: £5.00

Apsley House

Apsley HouseDesigned by Robert Adam and built between 1771 and 1778, Apsley House on Hyde Park Corner is one of the most magnificent of London’s grand houses. The house is best known as the home of the Duke of Wellington after his retirement from a dazzling military career that culminated in his historic victory over Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. Wellington enlarged Apsley House during his residency and enriched it with his magnificent art collection featuring wonderful paintings (including works from Goya, Rubens and Brueghel), porcelain, silver, sculpture, furniture and medals many of which were presented to him by grateful sovereigns in recognition of his military success.

Normal Entry Price: Adult: £5.70

Normal Entry Price: Child: £2.90

London Bridge Experience and The London Tombs

London bridgeThe London Bridge Experience is a two-part tourist attraction situated within the arches of London Bridge. Firstly enjoy a fascinating trip back in time as the London Bridge Experience delves through the history of the bridge, from Druids through to Victorians, meeting Vikings, Romans, and some creepy medieval characters along the way. Featuring real life actors, stunning special effects and animations, this is unique interactive adventure really does takes you back in time.

Then, if you’re brave enough head into the second attraction The London Tombs. It’s a terrifying encounter with the un-dead and a blood-curdling adventure you will never forget. Can you handle it?

Normal Entry Price: Adult: £21.95

Normal Entry Price: Child: £16.95