product recommendations
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Product Fave: Family Wall Calendar

If you are a working mom and/or a mom of 2 or more kids, this family calendar is a must. It’s a great way to …

Product Fave: Craftsman 179cc 24″ path Two-stage Snowblower

It just took the “Blizzard of 2011″ here in Chicago to realize what a great investment was our new Craftsman snowblower. Shoveling a long driveway …

Product Fave: Adorable Crane Humidifier

It seems adults have more ammunition against the common cold, from stronger medication to better ability to blow noses and stronger immunity overall. Still, in …

Product Fave: Toro 235 MPH Electric Ultra Blower/Vac/Shredder

With the foliage changing colors, I couldn’t be happier about living in the Midwest with its heartwarming palette of reds, yellows, browns and greens. If …