mom business
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Spotlight on Mompreneur: Maura Horton, founder of MagnaReady

MagnaReady shirts offer ease of dressing to people with limited mobility. They are now making life easier for a larger group of people than their …

Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Phyllis Pometta, founder of Baby Swags

Phyllis Pometta knows the ins and outs of a small business, having worked both on the marketing and PR side and having used her creativity …

Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Tania Mulry, founder of EdRover

If you are a member of a PTA, or generally looking to raise funds for your school, the EdRover app is simply brilliant. Created by …

Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Mary Capone, founder of Bella Gluten Free

Mary Capone wears many hats – a chef, a writer, a teacher, a business woman, and a mom. It’s impressive how much she has accomplished …

Spotlight on Mom Entrepreneur: Maya Brenner, founder of Maya Brenner Designs

An entrepreneur who made her passion for jewelry design her career, Maya Brenner is a mom who knows how to prioritize. Her ability to always …