Designer Spotlight: Renae Plant
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Designer Spotlight: Renae Plant

Renae Plant, Bump Babies Inc.

Renae Plant, fashion designerRenae Plant, designer and founder of Bump Babies pregnancy apparel is a multi-tasker. Her popular [bump] tees and other apparel are worn by many celebrities – Gwen Stefani, Salma Hayek, Tori Spelling, Nancy O’Dell, to name a few. She successfully handles talent at Nebula Management, runs Camelot Kids preschool, and juggles three kids. I talked to Renae about her designs, since only a mother can understand the need for every stage of pregnancy to be glorified – this event is too exciting to hide. Bump babies apparel is comfortable and stylish with maternity tank tops, t-shirts, yoga pants and more. What separates this pregnancy apparel line from others is not only its attention to detail (more bling please!) but largely its sense of humor. Moms would appreciate a good chuckle. I asked Renae about her designs, inspirations and life story in this exclusive interview.

How did you come up with the idea for your [bump] business and name?

I was pregnant with my son Mateo at the time and coming from Australia we use the word bump to describe being pregnant…so then I started thinking of funny acronyms for the meaning of bump and voila [bump] baby under manufacturing process was born. I wanted to be different from the other novelty tee lines that were out there, so I took it one step further and trademarked my saying and incorporated my trademark in every single design. I got to work immediately making samples and sent them to retailers and my biz took off. Within the first year my line was in over 200 retail stores worldwide and I had created my very own brand.

How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant? Did you ever give up after battling cervical cancer?

Bump babiesI was soooo excited… I had wanted kids from a very young age, but my soul mate lived on the other side of the world in Madrid. So when Livinio finally moved to Los Angeles we got pregnant the very first night… it was like five years of our long distance love and the stars lining up all at the same time. Incredible feeling.

The cervical cancer was an interesting issue I had to deal with at the very young age of 18 – which was shocking to me at the time wondering why I got it in the first place. The first time I had it removed medically but it came back 6 years later. The second time I dealt with it spiritually as to why I kept attracting it back to me and dealt with some childhood guilt. I had been raped by my neighbor when I was 6 years old and had not told anyone for over 18 years so I held a lot of guilt in my sexual organs. I got hold of some Louise Hay books and started to change the course of my life and my old negative belief patterns. I’ve been on that road ever since and it has not come back.

Tell us a little about your background. How did it shape you?

Growing up in Oz my childhood was very freeing. We would run around barefoot and carefree, much different to how my kids are growing up now. I think being isolated from TV and the modern technologies our kids have today, allowed me to really create my own world, pretending, creating and imagining… so it really shaped who I am today by making me really follow my dreams with passion. My dad was like the croc hunter and would bring home snakes, lizards, kangaroos, koalas all the time that he found in the bush injured and our home became a rescue sanctuary for them until they would get well. We would also take them to Steve Irwins “farm” back then, he lived 20 mins from where I grew up. Being surrounded by nature and caring for animals instilled a motherly quality that I still have today.

How does the creative design process happen for you?

It’s hard to explain the creative design process but I feel I have a natural talent that I can see objects that most people would look at and want to throw away, where as I will see the same object and think of ways I can add my touch and make it a piece of art. I used to collect furniture off the streets in New York and turn doors into tables, Tv’s into fish tanks, bird cages into lamps… then I sold one of a kind hand make pillows to the prestigious ABC Carpets store in NY. I’m currently working on a new line for [bump] which I’m super excited about. I have a vision that comes to mind, often inspired by something I see, and then I tweak it until it’s right and hope that others will enjoy it.

What was the first celebrity to wear your products?

Bump babiesI think Gillian Anderson from the X-Files was the first one to write me a thank you card for her shirt, then Ali Landry was the first celebrity photographed wearing one and was shown in US and People magazines. Then Matt Damon’s wife was another exciting one for me as it was a 1/4 page photo in US Weekly a week before she gave birth… the image is hot!!

Are there certain fabrics you gravitate to for maternity apparel?

I use 100% cotton for all my shirts and I love how it feels on your skin, and stretches out when you wear them and shrinks a bit in the dryer making it sexy every time you wear it. I do not like baggy tees that make pregnant women look like they are wearing tents.

Do you see any hot trends for pregnant women this winter and next spring?

I love the layering look with longer shirts/dresses worn over pants or tights. Being pregnant for me as all about comfort and less about trends. My new line is very vibrant and colorful with contrasting colors for Spring and a hot new tee/dress.

Where do you draw inspiration for your designs?

I get inspired a lot from the things I see or hear around me. I have so many ideas, the key is to implement them and see them to the end. Not to give up on your dream or passion. When I get a “No” I find a creative way to find a “Yes”.

You seem to be a huge multi-tasker – three kids, design company, talent management company, preschool. How do you find the time to do it all? What’s your secret?

Let me tell you I have had people say “I wish I could bottle your energy and sell it”. I really don’t know how to teach people how to be me but I do think it is something that you are either born with or not. The key for me is being extremely organized. I write everything down “Daily Goal List” and I cross it off once it is done. If not it gets moved to the next day or week. I just found out that writing your goals down makes them happen more than if you just think about them in your head – Ive been doing this for years.

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]’m not going to lie, I work very long hours but it comes in waves, when getting [bump] to the success level it reached in such a short time, that was all I did… eat, breathe, work [bump]. When I saved our local preschool from closing – 95% of my energy was focused there. Now I’m currently building 2 new classrooms so now my energy will be on construction while still maintaining the rest on a daily basis. I have a great team of people who support me, i.e. my husband is wonderful about supporting our family and spending time with our kids and making sure I’m still balanced as well. Put it this way – I can still breastfeed while replying to emails!!

You have received a number of awards for [bump]. Which one really made you jump with joy?

Bump babiesThe day I saw my very first editorial piece in Pregnancy Magazine was an incredible feeling. Seeing my sympathy [bump] daddy tee on a full page spread was just an awesome feeling… and from there they just keep rolling… PR is a beast of its own and requires a lot of attention to get your products out there.

What’s your favorite outfit?

I love my [bump] tee with clear Swarovski crystals… anything with a bit of bling makes me feel happy.

If I asked your kids, how would they describe you? What kind of a mom are you?

Well I just asked my daughter Ilan and she said “You are the best mom in the whole world” – now that makes me happy!

What’s next for you and your [bump] business?

Working on getting my new designs just right and releasing them early next year. It’s always a challenge managing all the pieces needed to make a great product but once the samples are perfect, photos are done, website updated, then I can share them with the world.

You can learn more about Renae and buy [bump] designs directly from or see the list of retailers.