Designer Spotlight: Zankhna Parekh
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Designer Spotlight: Zankhna Parekh

Zankhna Parekh
Zankhna Parekh

Designer Zankhna Parekh took a long journey to get to design but her style has always been influenced by her world travels and experiences. She has designed and made her own patterns and clothes since the age of 14 and took up her passion for fashion to reporting and blogging, serving as a Glambassador for Glamour magazine. She recently premiered her new spring/summer fashion line for 2014 and is well ahead working on Fall. Perfect for on the go mothers, Zankhna’s collection is both accessible and fashionable at the same time. Just because you’re a mother, doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style, right? Her clothes show impeccable fit, which is always more flattering, and perhaps that comes from the understanding of the body from her previous medical career. The work she produces is vibrant and elegant, and that’s a combination that would appeal to any modern woman. I asked Zankhna a few questions in this recent interview.

Where do you find inspiration?

My three geographical backgrounds (Kenya, India and USA) as well as all the patterns and embroidery that I see in all my Indian outfits. My inspiration is my body and any mom’s body and what would fit us well and be faltering at any age for any body type.

What motivated you to switch careers? Were you scared or excited about the change?

Designed by Zankhna ParekhI have been designing clothes since I was 14. So it was always innate but I finally decided to take it to another level. Of course I was nervous about the change but I was very excited. I had not only one amazing career as a physical therapist but now I was about to start another!

Many mothers wear yoga pants daily. How can mothers be fashionable when their days consist of playgrounds and play dates, school pick-ups and laundry?

I always recommend for every mom to take just 5 minutes in the morning to dress up. Pick clothes out the night before and have a 5 minute simple makeup routine as well. Both of these put together will make you feel good about yourself everyday!

What kind of woman do you design for?

I design for on-the-go women who want to be effortlessly stylish. Not all of us can have a personal stylist so I take all the work out and still be uber stylish. I research all the latest trends and fashion and design with that in mind.

What’s your design background?

Designed by Zankhna ParekhWhile I have a degree in the medical field, I have designed, cut patterns and sewed since I was 14. This is something that has always been in me.

Are there certain fabrics you gravitate to more and why?

I have an affinity for rich and pure silk fabrics. Just the fabric alone is so vibrant and lustrous, you can cut it into any design and make it look classy.

Do you have a mentor? Anyone you look up to?

My absolute fashion icons are Tory Burch and DVF. They have amazing stories to tell.

How early before the season do you start working on a collection? What is that process like?

I start at least 6-8 months before a season. I research all the trends and color palettes for the upcoming season. I initially start with rough sketches, then the actual sketches with measurements and lastly cutting patterns.
Zankhna Parekh designs

What do you see as the biggest fashion trends for Spring/Summer 2014?

Bright colors, floral patterns and pastels are in. White is always the evergreen color for any summer.
Zankhna Parekh designs

You’d organized and attended many fashion shows. What goes on behind the scenes that people would be surprised to hear about?

I think fashion shows are the hardest to put together. From the model searches to the fittings and alterations. Finally comes the marketing and business aspects that put the whole show together. While it looks so glamorous and classy, the road to get to that point is the most arduous and time-consuming.

How have your travels influenced you?

My travels have influenced my designs and choice of fabrics. My travels have taught me that fashion is not just fancy clothes. It can be rich cultures and traditions as well.

What would you be wearing on an average day?

I dress pretty well everyday. I like to be comfortable yet well put together. My friends always make fun of me that they have never seen me “not put together” and I think that says a lot for how I feel on a day-to-day basis.

What are you working on now?

The fall and holiday collection for 2014. I am also working on a couple of custom haute couture outfits for some celebrities.
Designed by Zankhna Parekh

For more information, please visit Zankhna’s website: