Beauty Tips from Challen Cates
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Beauty Tips from Challen Cates

Challen CatesContinuing on the beauty round-up for 2013, I decided to speak to a popular TV mom who understands how to find time for looking good – Challen Cates. She lights up the small screen on Nickelodeon’s BIG TIME RUSH as “Mrs. Knight,” mother to the hockey-playing, reluctant boy band member Kendall, and his younger sister Katie. (The show returns to air in April for its fourth season.) Challen has also appeared on NBC’s PASSIONS and in DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, CRIMINAL MINDS, CSI: NY and MISSING. Challen (@challencates) lives in Los Angeles with her husband Aaron their two children and their two dogs and actively supports the ‘Darkness to Light’ foundation and the ‘Say It 2 My Face’ Anti-Bullying campaign. I asked her a few questions on her favorite beauty trends, products and tips.

What is one beauty product every woman should have? What is one you can’t live without?

A go-to lip color is a product that every woman should have—I have been using ‘Jane Iredale’ lipgloss in Iced Mocha which is very versatile.  The product I can’t live without is Jane Iredale mascara.  It’s all natural and stays on all day.

Makeup remover or water and soap?

Both. I can’t sleep if I feel like my face isn’t thoroughly cleansed. I use a mild cleanser and rinse very well. Then I follow up with eye makeup remover by Kerstin Florian and a toner.

Moms have a packed schedule and applying any beauty products is not top of mind. What’s a quick beauty routine any mom can do?

I lay out the products that I am going to use the night before so I can quickly apply through my morning haze. I suggest to use a moisturizer with SPF to save a step. Another great tip which will prevent the tediousness of having to reapply your makeup throughout the day is to use a primer, of which Makeup Forever’s is my favorite. Matte foundation is also a great way to skip needing to apply powder—and you only need to apply it where needed! A dot of concealer under each eye covers up those tricky dark circles. Use a brow gel with color (Anastasia makes a great one), which is faster than pencil or powder. Black pencil in the water line is a great trick for giving the illusion of having a wider lash line—smudge a little color (I’m into mixing a shimmery taupe with forest green) on the lash line and skip eye shadow on the lid. Lastly, brush on mascara and lip gloss.

Oh, and one last addition to the routine: Shellac nail polish. I’m hooked—it lasts for two weeks and is the non-toxic gel that you can find at select salons.

Are you brand loyal when it comes to beauty products?

I am a beauty product junkie, so I like to try lots of different products.  I recently purchased a large makeup case that professional makeup artists use so that I can store my goodies in it.  I go through stages where I am devoted to certain products and then I give them a rest when I find something new to try. I am really into Dr. Perricone’s skin care line right now.  I am brand loyal to Jane Iredale for her mascara. As previously mentioned, it is amazing with great staying power and it’s all natural – bonus!

Do you vary your makeup or products by season?

I do shift colors a bit for seasons.  I am looking forward to moving away from soft pinks and moving into brick reds and earth tones.

Have you had to adjust the amount or types of beauty products since having kids?

Most definitely! There is very little opportunity to luxuriate in getting ready for a night out.  It’s all about being fast, using products that multitask, and going with whatever the moment gives you!

What do you see as “the look” for fall?

Motorcycle jackets, boxy sweaters with skinny jeans in fabrics like suede and velvet. Silk pants in prints and stripes, jumpsuits, shirt dresses—all in rich jewel tone colors.

What are your favorite nail trends for fall?

There are so many artistic options happening with nails right now with colors, color combinations, decorations, and new shapes (goodbye square, hello oval!) . I am excited to move away from my summer true red and into burgundy’s, taupes, grays, and black which is my end of October go-to color!