Product Fave: Wooden Jewelry Chest
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Product Fave: Wooden Jewelry Chest

I’ve been shopping for a perfect jewelry box for quite some time now. With an eclectic collection of earrings, among other accessories, I needed a box that could store all my items but also offer practical storage. To me, practical storage is having the right compartments for the right items and the layout that makes things easy to find. So, like a perfect wedding dress, this jewelry box I found at, was exactly what I was looking for, so my search was over. With 4 spacious drawers, it’s a bit larger than I was anticipating, but it fits not only all my jewelry but even all the daily makeup essentials. The first two drawers offer nice divisions, so you can store different kinds of earrings, for example, in different sections. The ring section is very spacious, though you may need to use a different drawer for bulkier statement rings. The top opens up to offer convenient hooks for necklace storage and a pocket that holds them in. This jewelry box is fairly light and easy to carry with beautiful handles on each side. I love the cherry finish which looks rich and classic – perfect at under $70!

Buy Wooden Jewelry Chest, Cherry now!

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