Product Fave: Weber Stainless Steel Genesis Natural Gas Grill
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Product Fave: Weber Stainless Steel Genesis Natural Gas Grill

Weber Genesis S-330 Natural Gas Stainless Steel Outdoor Grill - 6670001
Weber Genesis Natural Gas Stainless Steel Outdoor Grill
Let’s see, what do I love about grilling? It’s quick, easy clean-up, fewer dishes, the food gets a unique kind of flavor from the grates and smoke, it’s healthier, it allows multiple items to be cooked at once… should I go on? So no surprise, my latest product fave is a Weber grill. Weber is to grilling like Godiva is to chocolate, simply – a classic. Though often a man’s territory, it is my latest adventure. These delicious vegetables or this flank steak, or the salmon (even better on cedar planks), are absolutely yummy when prepared on the grill. Here’s why some 3 years ago we picked this Weber grill and are still loving it:

  • Electronic switch system – turning it on is just as easy as switching on the gas and pushing the ignition switch. Set it to high and wait a few minutes, then turn it down a bit.
  • You can’t beat the stainless steel look – sleek, clean and easy to clean. Buy a cover for your grill; it’s not very expensive and will keep your grill clean during bad weather.
  • You have a really nice cooking area – I can fit an entire dinner for 6 and the top rack allows me to cook food slower or move items when I need extra room on the grill itself (corn is a great example for this maneuver). Note that the middle of the grill often gets hotter than surrounding areas, so I take advantage of it by searing some foods there before moving to the sides.
  • Side panels fold to make room and offer nice “counter” space
  • I find gas grills a lot easier than propane or charcoal – less messy, less maintenance.
  • The grates may be a bit hard to clean, so we like getting new ones at the hardware store each year. Ceramic grates are cheaper than stainless ($30 vs. $50).
  • Since food cooks quickly and evenly, this grill is perfect for big gatherings and home BBQs.
  • While a lot of people may want to buy the grill in the spring, you may actually get some good savings by buying one late in the season.

Buy Weber Stainless Steel Genesis S320 Natural Gas Grill now!

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