Product Fave: Toro 235 MPH Electric Ultra Blower/Vac/Shredder
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Product Fave: Toro 235 MPH Electric Ultra Blower/Vac/Shredder

Toro Ultra Blower Vac And Shredder 235MPH ElectricWith the foliage changing colors, I couldn’t be happier about living in the Midwest with its heartwarming palette of reds, yellows, browns and greens. If you are a homeowner, it also means hard work to keep these charming leaves out of your gutters and out of the garage. Keeping leaves out of your gutters is important, so rain water doesn’t get trapped and seep into the foundation of your house. In this season it’s hard to catch up with the rapidly falling leaves, which is why my latest product fave is a Leaf Blower. It has a number of uses and many reasons to get one this fall.

  • It makes cleaning the garage floors fast and easy.
  • My husband likes using it to clean leaves out of the gutters, which really cuts down on the time it’d take if you did it by hand. Sears claims this product “Reduces 16 bags of leaves to one, eliminating work and waste”. I never counted but I can attest to its speed.
  • If you are using one with the power cord, get the longest cord you can get.
  • It’s a nice way to clean your car – open all the doors and use it to blow out the interior of your car.
  • This particular blower is light at just under 8 pounds, so even your older kids can help.
  • While it’s hard getting the leaves from in between the branches, bushes or an other small spaces manually, vacuuming them out with this blower is a cinch.

Toro Ultra Blower Vac And Shredder 235MPH Electric

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