Product Faves: Kids’ Summer Camp Essentials
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Product Faves: Kids’ Summer Camp Essentials

Camp days are just around the corner, so I decided to round up some of the best stuff your child will love to see at camp. You’ve got your backpack, water bottle and sunscreen. What other camp essentials should your tot bring to camp?

Medical ID Marketplace

medical ID braceletIf your child has an allergy, asthma or diabetes, going to camp without your supervision may post unexpected dangers. Of course, notifying the camp staff should be your first priority. A great reminder for kids and camp counselors is the Medical ID bracelet from Medical ID Marketplace – a simple solution. The trendy and cute medical ID bracelet blends in with everyday pieces and only stands out to first responders in case of an emergency. These accessories come with a customized engraving (emergency contact info, health condition, etc.) so health officials will know how to react in a worst case scenario. Also with hundreds to choose from, there is an option that fits every child’s colorful personality.

Get your bracelet here:

Welch’s® Fruit Snacks

I’m all about foods that have natural ingredients, and as few as possible. A nice summer treat and a great snack for your child s Welch’s Fruit Snacks. These fruit snacks are made with REAL fruit. The packs are just 80 calories each but are also fat free and gluten free. Since it’s real fruit, Welch’s Fruit Snacks contain the full daily recommended value of Vitamin C along with a good dose of vitamins A & E. If you are looking for a little less sugar, Welch’s® Fruit Snacks Reduced Sugar variety is recognized as a Healthier Snacking option by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Aside from real fruit, these fruit snacks are a great and healthy way to get a little sweet treat but a lot of vitamins that your child will love at camp and you will have too.

Get Welch’s Mixed Fruit Fat Free Fruit Snacks, .9 oz, 22ct now!

Keen’s Close-Toe Sandals

Depending on your location, summer may get hot or not but having a sturdy pair of closed toe sandals – and camps typically require closed-toe shoes – is a must. Having been through quite a few summers at camp, I find that Keen’s sandals stand out above the rest. They are machine washable, durable, easy to adjust, waterproof. They can do anything but fly. If your child is going to a summer camp, especially a full day camp or overnight camp, a pair of Keen’s closed toe sandals is a must.

Get Kids KEEN Shoes now!