Product Fave: Peg & Pegboard Set
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Product Fave: Peg & Pegboard Set

I’ve loved peg toys since I got my first one. Now I am watching my daughter play with peg toys at the local Children’s museum and I am just so happy to see the skills she is learning – stacking, discovering and mixing colors – it’s just so much fun. So I was naturally very excited to see this colorful pegboard toy. The pegs are a wonderful tool to enhance those fine motor skills that will come so handy later on when she starts writing. I like that this particular peg board includes suggested activities, so you can teach your little one some new moves other than just stacking and moving pegs around. The pegs are super sturdy and Lauri replaces any lost pieces whenever you need. While ideal for 3+ preschoolers, I think younger kids will love to practice their “pegging” skills.

Buy Tall Stacker Pegs & Pegboard Set now!

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