Product Fave: Fun Themes Learning Placemats
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Product Fave: Fun Themes Learning Placemats

learning placematMealtimes can often get challenging with kids at the table. We have plenty of toys, books and activities to keep them occupied. Educational placemats are another step up – kids get to eat their meals and learn something at the same time. Maps of every kind are a huge hit at our house. What can be sweeter than your child reciting all the continents? Georgraphical placemats are a nice way to also learn a little bit about other states or countries and cultures. Table setting mats can teach them about manners. It’s a wonderful way to keep the conversation going at the table and encouraging the little imaginations to get bigger. These Fun Themes placemats take it to another level by adding the coloring element; kids can color the surface with wipable crayongs. The placemats are easy to clean – just wipe the plastic. Under $15, the price is easy on your pocket.

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Buy Fun Themes Placemat Learning Mats Set now!

Melissa and Doug Fun Themes Placemat Learning Mats Set
Melissa and Doug Fun Themes Placemat Learning Mats Set
Price: $10.99
Make mealtimes more exciting with this variety of double-sided learning mats that feature dinosaurs, a fire engine and a visual layout to help your child learn to set the table! Use your imagination while coloring a dinosaur, or a fire engine or practicing the proper way to set the table. The set includes five colorful wipe-off crayons.