Product Fave: Keen Shoes for Toddlers from Moosejaw
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Product Fave: Keen Shoes for Toddlers from Moosejaw

Keen Youth Newport H2 Shoe (Spring 2010) There is nothing like shoe shopping for an active toddler with a tiny size 4 shoe size. She is on the go 24-7, that is when she is not asleep. Having forgotten what it was like getting shoes for a little baby turned toddler, I was optimistic heading into the stores. Yet, it was quickly obvious that choices were slim. Of course, if you are a tiny tot that spends most of the time on carpets or if you are an active preschooler, you have plenty of options. My situation was more of an in-between where neither Robeez nor Nikes would do. I quickly turned to Crocs which are made in every color, configuration and now even style. However, I found that there was not enough stability in the heel for my ever-tripping tot. That was when I discovered Keen shoe, apparently a popular phenom, and I am now planning on getting one for everyone. Keen is a perfect shoe for toddlers and up for many reasons:

  • Its solid base and flexible top help the developing foot stand on solid ground without much effort
  • It’s waterproof and breathable – perfect for hot summer months and running through the sprinklers
  • It’s adjustable, so if your baby’s foot is slimmer than usual, you can adjust to her content
  • It comes in beautiful colors
  • You can wear a matching one, and it’s perfect for outdoor exploration

Buy Keen Youth Newport H2 Shoe (Spring 2010) now!

Check out more shoes in our Shoe Shop.
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