Product Fave: Gold’s Gym Trainer 550 Treadmill
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Product Fave: Gold’s Gym Trainer 550 Treadmill

With my 5K coming up this weekend, my mind is all focused on running. I used to run outdoors years ago but family schedules turned me more into a treadmill runner. Outdoor running is a bit more demanding with unpredictable wind resistance and changing terrain, but it’s a nice way to enjoy the fresh air while exercising for free. Treadmill running has many advantages – from padding to the ability to control your pace, incline and heart rate, to the latest gadgets and a simple fact that you can have it at home while watching kids, for example. I find a lot of great fitness equipment at Wal-Mart, and this latest product fave is no exception.

Gold’s Gym Trainer 550 Treadmill offers an incredible workout variety, whether you walk, run or do interval training. And it is super easy to assemble (just make sure you have all the parts before you put it together, otherwise request any missing parts first). I think at just under $500, it is a great value and outshines a lot of other treadmills thanks to the multitude of features:

  • If you like distance running like me, this treadmill allows you to set a 5K or 10K goal and will track your progress through the run.
  • Running without music can be tedious, but now you don’t have to use the earphones. Simply plug in your iPod into the Music Port and listen to the music through the built in speakers. I love this feature!
  • As with distance running, you can set time, calorie, and other goals. Plus, as with many treadmills, there are personal trainer workouts that vary the incline and speed for you. A great way to burn some calories!
  • One of the reasons I actually prefer indoor running – the great cushioning a treadmill provides. This one has the AirStride Max impact reducing cushioning, which is nicely taking care of your joints.
  • The treadmill offers heart rate workouts too (targeted at keeping your heart rate up or down at a specific number to fit your overall goal), and the heart rate monitors located on the handlebars are very quick to pick up the heart rate.
  • It’s easy to fold, though bulky. I never fold mine, so this is not an issue.

Buy Gold’s Gym Trainer 550 Treadmill now!

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