Product Fave: Garlic Press
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Product Fave: Garlic Press

Garlic Master ? Heavy Duty Garlic Press by RSVP I am not sure if I am a foodie first and home chef second or the other way around. I appreciate good food and enjoy creative recipes. On a renewed health and fitness kick, I am looking for recipes with more protein and fiber and less fat, sugar and butter. If you ever tried to eat out, you know this is a challenge. What always brings me comfort is the memory of the wonderful food I ate in Italy, with the freshest ingredients and amazing flavors. These flavors were not diluted by excessive use of butter or bacon. Well, there is one ingredient very popular in Italy (as is in Italian cooking here) and that is garlic. Now I am not Italian but I can appreciate good food, as I already mentioned, so garlic goes in a lot of my home-made dishes. I can certainly demonstrate my fine cutting skills (only kidding, of course) and chop and mince the garlic myself, or go the extreme route (in my book) of buying jars of already minced garlic floating in oil.

I choose the little device known as garlic press. Many of you are probably already using it. But if you are not, give it a try! You can place an unpeeled clove of garlic, squeeze the handle and freshly minced garlic comes right out. I love not having to use any extra cutting boards, just simply squeezing the garlic straight into the pan, on the toast or in the mixing bowl. Clean up couldn’t be easier in the dishwasher with other utensils.

A few delicious recipes I made recently with garlic using this wonderful garlic press:

Buy the Garlic Master Heavy Duty Garlic Press by RSVP now!

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