Product Fave: Family Wall Calendar
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Product Fave: Family Wall Calendar

Mom's Write & Remember 2012 Pocket Wall CalendarIf you are a working mom and/or a mom of 2 or more kids, this family calendar is a must. It’s a great way to get everyone’s schedule at a glance and, for me, the only way to manage all those schedules effectively. With the new year just a few months away, now is the perfect time to get a calendar or ask for one as a gift. Many wall calendars, including this one, are extended to 16 months, so you can get started in October and go a few months past the end of the year. This particular calendar would work well for families of 4 or more.

Of course, in this digital age, everyone’s got their calendars on various electronic devices. Since I have a few schedules to manage, I like all kinds of back-up, and there is definitely a place for an old fashioned wall calendar that lists everyone’s schedules at a glance. Virtually all family wall calendars come with handy stickers – for your doctor’s appointments, kids’ soccer practice, field trips, birthdays and more. Perhaps, your kids will enjoy adding new appointments to the calendar – stickers are a great motivator! – and learn their schedules better. I am always for extra practice when it comes to learning days, months and time for my little preschoolers.

When I made a switch from the regular wall calendar to a family wall calendar, it made a huge difference. We are better organized and more aware of our schedules and events. So, no surprise, this will be the same calendar I will buy for 2012.

Get Mom’s Write & Remember 2012 Pocket Wall Calendar now!

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