Product Fave: EZ SOX
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Product Fave: EZ SOX

ezsoxHave you ever seen your child struggling to pull his socks on? How about when you are running out the door, late for preschool or another appointment, and all that’s standing between you and the street is a stubborn pair of socks that your tot needs to put on himself but fails? Of course, nothing beats practice. But now there is a great solution – EZ Sox ( Naturally, invented by parents, these socks are easy to put on thanks to the loops at the top. This will boost your child’s confidence and will help you get on with your daily plans faster. EZSox come in a variety of fun designs – from frogs to penguins, butterflies to ladybugs, 15 designs in total so far. Just in time for February temperature drops and a need to keep kids wearing their socks inside!

The price is right too – 2 pairs sell for $9.99. Sold nationwide & online.

Unique coupon code: Save 40% when you “Like” EZSox on Facebook.

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