His and Hers: from Baby Seat to Classic American Muscle
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His and Hers: from Baby Seat to Classic American Muscle

My Favorites Shop: Surf City Garage Dash Away

toddler seat next to GTOSummertime season’s in full swing. You and the kids hit beaches, playgrounds and roadtrips. Look around and you’ll also notice antiques, classics and muscle cars out cruisin’, often at full throttle. Usually their proud owners strive to keep them spotless. There’s no reason why your ride can’t be as clean as those rods on the street. Have you taken a good look at your car’s interior lately? Time to take control of those forgotten dirt stains and spills. We have a product suggestion that makes cleaning easy, and it works! We’ll wrap up our review with some other product recommendations.

Dash Away

We used Dash Away from Surf City Garage to handle a messy toddler seat. Included was a high quality microfiber cloth, but a standard cotton cloth would work too.

Dash AwayAfter shaking the bottle, we simply sprayed a little on the material and surrounding plastic. After waiting a few minutes, the surface was wiped dry to a pleasant clean and shine. It even has a nice smell.

dash away

dash away

dash awayOur toddler seat is clean. The company says you can use it on any surface or material inside your car, like leather, vinyl, fabric, carpet and plastic. It even cleans seat belts, strollers and child seats. Then we tried it in our Pontiac GTO.

dash away

We again shook the bottle, sprayed it on the seats, then wiped to a nice shine. The padded dash was also cleaned. Once again, that refreshing smell was very nice.

It’s a great value for any car enthusiast family – Dash Away worked its magic. We were pretty impressed.

dash away
dash away

When your car’s exterior needs attention, I recommend the Meguiar’s line of products, especially their Mist & Wipe Quick Detailer.

For chrome there’s Mothers Chrome Polish. My favorite tire cleaner is ArmorAll Tire Foam.


Buy the Surf City Garage 103 Dash Away Interior Detailer Spray – 24 oz. now!


Check out more car care products in our Automotive Shop.

Disclaimer: Surf City Garage provided the product for our review. Other products were considered and mentioned.