Product Fave: Craftsman 179cc 24″ path Two-stage Snowblower
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Product Fave: Craftsman 179cc 24″ path Two-stage Snowblower

snowblowerIt just took the “Blizzard of 2011″ here in Chicago to realize what a great investment was our new Craftsman snowblower. Shoveling a long driveway is very time consuming and not effective with the amount of snow we’re used to in the Midwest. Paid snow plowers show up once there is a good amount of snow, which is often later than you need to get out of the house. So getting a snow blower was a practical investment. We picked the 24” path 2-stage Craftsman snow blower, which is very effective on a wide long driveway but not too overpowering or large to store. And let me tell you, if it can handle 2 feet of snow (which we got in the most recent blizzard), it can handle anything. It is easy to start, using gas and the the push button electric start. The chute is easy to rotate and angles up to 190 degrees making it very convenient when going up and down the driveway. An important tip from my snowminator husband is to clear the snow as it comes down – if you do it gradually, it will make for an easier job. This snowblower paid for itself in just one season!

Buy Craftsman 179cc 24″ path Two-stage Snowblower now!

Craftsman 179cc 24" path Two stage Snowblower - MTD PRODUCTS INC.
Craftsman 179cc 24″ path Two stage Snowblower – MTD PRODUCTS INC.
Price: $799.99
Cut through the snowblowing and get back to the snowball throwing! Get your snow removal chores done in a snap with this Craftsman snow thrower. This unit was built to save time and reduce work. With the ease of use, comfort grip and control of this snowblower, it’s never work and always play.

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