Product Fave: Cannon Kids Organizer, 12 Bin
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Product Fave: Cannon Kids Organizer, 12 Bin

Cannon Kids Organizer 12 Bin PrimaryIf you’ve got little kids, you’ve got lots of little things lying around the house. It’s often tempting to just gather the stuff together and put it in one or two giant boxes, it’s a solution that won’t benefit your house or the kids. Here’s why. When kids learn to sort objects and put them away, they learn an important life skill. When you have a unique place for each group of objects (stuffed animals, musical instruments, blocks, etc.), you are more likely to keep it organized than if you simply pile everything in one large box. This is why I think this product is an excellent way to store kids’ toys, books and even hats.

  • Cannon Kids Organizer Bin is colorful, so kids will not only be entertained and can practice learning their colors, they can also remember assigning a certain color to a certain group of items (example: puzzles go into a big red bin). Sorting and cleanup can actually be fun!
  • You get 12 bins, so it’s plenty for all the kids’ toys and little items, but I like that the boxes come in a variety of sizes, so larger stuffed animals can go into larger bins and smaller random Lego blocks can go into smaller bins.
  • Since colors repeat (you get 3 of each), my son puts sticker label images on each bin signifying what’s in the the box. We always have plenty of stickers on hand, so don’t ask where to get them! (OK, it’s Michael’s).
  • The bins are interchangeable, so you can change the order and position if you find a different order more convenient. Another huge plus, you can actually take the entire bin out and kids can play with the toys in it. It’s sort of a portable storage box too. You can even make a game out of it having the child pick the color box to play with (not seeing which toys are in it).
  • The sturdy wood and fairly deep plastic color bins allow for a LOT of storage! All of our small toys (by small I mean anything other than a kitchen or a train set) fit there.
  • The whole set is easy to move – just take out the boxes and the rack is not heavy. Sounds like an easier job than moving a bookshelf, for example.
  • There are many uses for this kind of storage – from toys to art supplies, books to shoes. If you’ve got older kids, I imagine it would be a helpful organizer to your young college student too.

Do I sound like a sales representative for this product? I am certainly not. However, as a mom, I definitely appreciate a good storage system.

Cannon Kids Organizer 12 Bin Primary

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