Product Fave: Black & Decker Dustbuster Vacuum
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Product Fave: Black & Decker Dustbuster Vacuum

black and decker dustbusterIsn’t it amazing how many years after your wedding you can still remember who gave you some (or, in my case, all) of the gifts? Now there is a little story associated with each of them, like the cake stand I used for my son’s first birthday cake, or the beautiful china we still use once a year on Thanksgiving, or the beautiful comforter that is now my cat’s favorite spot. One of the gifts I found most original (and off the registry, which was a nice surprise) was from an old coworker. She gave us a pizza stone and a little dustbuster to clean up the crumbs. How cute is that? Well, it turns out we still stick to frozen or delivery pizza but there is certainly no shortage of crumbs in our house, thanks to an ever increasing household. So this dustbuster has been around for the existence of our family so far and it has stood the test of time. Made by one of my favorite brands, Black & Decker, it’s a quality product that cleans up the smallest crumbs or other little messes in no time. This dustbuster comes with a wall attachment, so you can easily mount it on the wall and charge, then use whenever needed – kitchen, bathroom, or other messy or hard to reach areas. I love this product, since it’s one of the most useful things in the house!

Buy Black & Decker CHV4800 4.8Volt Dustbuster Vacuum now! Free Shipping!

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