Product Fave: Adorable Crane Humidifier
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Product Fave: Adorable Crane Humidifier

It seems adults have more ammunition against the common cold, from stronger medication to better ability to blow noses and stronger immunity overall. Still, in the battle against the cold, we’ve tried everything until one day my pediatrician told me, “You really ought to buy yourself a humidififer”. I’ve used saline drops and shower humidity to try and clear up little ones’ noses but there is nothing that works as miraculously as a cool mist humidifier. The one I love is made by Crane, which produces a whole series of adorable humidifiers. When you see the mist coming through the dragon’s nose or frog’s eyes, it’s an extra cool cinematic effect, and kids love it. Most importantly, this humidifier adds moisture to the air and helps moisten the skin and nasal passages and add some relief to your sinuses. After just one night with this humidifier in the room, my kids were able to breathe again, not to mention happily sleep through the night. The cute frog humidifer can be separated into a few parts and you only need to add the water to the top part, so easy to carry. Then, plug it in and it’s on all night, automatically shutting off when it’s done, which is typically in the morning. The company suggests avoiding setting it up on carpet or wood surfaces, to avoid accumulation of moisture (and damage), so we put a plastic tray underneath, so if there is any water leak, it will not get on the furniture. This is by far one of my favorite investments, and under $50, it’s a must! I am all for making our colds shorter.

If you don’t find this frog cute enough, there are many other varieties made by Crane – ducks, penguins, leopards, dragons, pandas, elephants, etc. Get a different one for different rooms and kids will love it!

Buy Crane Frog 1Gallon Humidifier now!

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