Chocolate Sunbutter Squares recipe
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Chocolate Sunbutter Squares recipe

chocolate sunbutter squares This will sound odd to most people, but I never liked peanut butter. There, I said it. I grew up on Nutella and peanut butter just never grew on me. Don’t take me wrong, I think nuts are great and I used to add them to most of my desserts in the past. That is until I learned my son was allergic to peanuts and tree nuts. I started looking for alternatives and discovered sunbutter. It’s amazingly smooth, tastes exactly like sunflower seeds, and is absolutely delicious. This dessert includes all of our favorite kid ingredients and requires no baking – just crunch, melt and refrigerate. You’ll love every bite of these chocolate sunbutter squares!

Makes 10 squares


  • 1 cup sunbutter (sunflower butter)
  • 1 cup Cocoa Pebbles cereal
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 cup milk chocolate chips
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter


1. Combine milk chocolate chips with 1 tbsp butter in a microwaveable cup or container and set aside.

2. Combine dry ingredients – Cocoa Pebbels, raisins and powdered sugar. Mix well with a spoon.

3. Fold in a cup (use the dry measure cup) of sunbutter and slowly mix to stir and coat all the ingredients.

4. Coat a small (8-9inch) pan with butter and spread the sunbutter mixture on it, pressing to cover evenly. It will be a thin layer

5. Melt the chocolate chips with butter in the microwave for 2 minutes, stir.

6. Pour the chocolate over the sunbutter mixture, spreading evenly.

7. Place the pan in the refrigerator and leave for 20 minutes or until the chocolate is firm. Don’t leave for too long or the bars will be hard to cut.

8. Cut into squares and enjoy! Note, the bars are fairly soft and better to eat with a fork.

Note: some people allergic to peanuts may also be allergic to sunflower seeds and some chocolate (depending on production), so try a small amount of these ingredients first.

Get Ready to Bake: