Garlic Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb
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Garlic Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb

Garlic Herb crusted rack of LambHave you seen the newly resurrected “Grey Poupon” ads? As a former ad agency person, I have a weakness for classic ads and I was very amused to see this one brought back. Here’s a little reminder:

This little commercial gave me the idea to make this Garlic Herb Crusted Rack of Lamb. And here’s why – I think dijon mustard makes this dish come together. I consider myself quite a connoisseur of dijon mustard and “Grey Poupon” definitely takes the cake, or lamb in this case. The mustard helps the herbs and bread crumbs adhere to the chop and bakes beautifully. Fresh herbs will do a better job but I replaced a few with dry herbs and we were still very happy with the taste. Enjoy this recipe!

Serves 2 hungry parents.


Rack of lamb recipe ingredients

  • rack of lamb – 6 to 8 bones
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • kosher salt and ground pepper
  • 2 tbsp Dijon Mustard (yes, I’m using capital letters for this)
  • a bunch of fresh parsley (or 2 tbsp dry)
  • a bunch of fresh thyme (or 2 tbsp dry)
  • a bunch of fresh rosemary (or 2 tbsp dry)
  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • 3 cloves of garlic minced
  • 2 cups panko bread crumbs


1. Wash and dry the rack of lamb. Gently cut off excessive fat, make sure the bones are clean (or ask your butcher to “french” them).
rack of lamb
2. Baste with 1 tbsp olive oil and generously sprinkle with salt and pepper on both sides.

3. Heat up a medium skillet and add 1 tbsp olive oil. Sear the lamb rack on both sides (3-5 min per side). Set aside and let it cool off for 20 minutes or so.

4. seasoning mixChop your herbs and press garlic. In a separate bowl, mix the panko bread crumbs and herbs and garlic, add chili powder, stir well. I find that chili powder brings a certain kick to the herb crust. I like panko crumbs for the smooth texture but you can also use regular bread crumbs. My panko crumbs were gluten free.

5. Preheat the oven to 425 F.

6. Coat the lamb with Dijon mustard. Be generous! Spread the bread crumb and herb mixture over.

7. Place the lamb in the oven at 425F for 30-35 minutes or until your thermometer reads 145 (or 155 if you’d like it more well done, though lamb is better medium-rare). Let it rest covered for 15 minutes before slicing.
finished dish rack of lamb
8. When slicing, find the right angle between the bones, so you get a nice chop. Enjoy with rice and fall veggies or your favorite sides!