Crunchy Greens & Tuna Salad
CCrruunncchhyy GGrreeeennss && TTuunnaa SSaallaadd

Crunchy Greens & Tuna Salad

tuna salad with greensI have been more nutrition conscious lately, watching for calories, sodium, fiber, to name a few. A salad for lunch is a delicious proposition, but many restaurant options have hidden sodium, empty calories and often calorie extremes. I love the crunchy vegetables, especially radishes that not only add a bite but also a little kick. Tuna is a great protein option, as long as it’s packed in water. And spinach is a wonderful source of iron. I added the part skim ricotta for a little creaminess but you can skip that and it still tastes delicious. This whole tuna salad is under 400 calories! It goes really well with Ryvita rye crackers. Serves 1 – double or triple for company.


  • 3 cups of spinach
  • 1/2 medium tomato
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 10 small radishes
  • 1 can tuna packed in water
  • 1 tsp dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup part skim ricotta cheese
  • 1 tsp kosher salt or 1/2 tsp table salt


1. Dice celery, radishes and tomato in a large bowl.
2. Dice spinach and add to the bowl.
3. Mix dijon mustard, ricotta and salt, add to the bowl.
4. Add your tuna (drained) to the salad and mix everything well.
5. Let the salad rest for 5 minutes, to get the flavors to absorb better. Then, enjoy your jazzed tuna salad!

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