Chocolate Graham Cracker Berry Pie recipe
CChhooccoollaattee GGrraahhaamm CCrraacckkeerr BBeerrrryy PPiiee rreecciippee

Chocolate Graham Cracker Berry Pie recipe

Chocolate graham cracker berry pie What could be more perfect for your 4th of July or, for that matter, any summer barbecue? This graham cracker berry pie is high on all my favorite flavors – chocolate, berries, yogurt and very low on fat and calories. It takes about 10 minutes of work and, perhaps, a little over an hour of total cooking time, and the filling could be substituted for any occasion. It’s colorful and so yummy, this chocolate graham cracker berry pie will disappear from your plates in seconds! Enjoy!

Serves 8


  • 2 cups chocolate graham cracker crumbs
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsp (fat free) yogurt
  • 8 oz (fat free) cream cheese
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1 cup blackberries
  • 1 cup chocolate graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/4 mashed banana
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon


chocolate graham cracker berry pie pie crust1. If you haven’t bought graham cracker crumbs, use regular graham crackers, place them in a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin or a pan – quick and non-messy.

2. Mix the pie crust – chocolate graham cracker crumbs, honey, yogurt and vanilla extract. I love Chobani fat-free Greek blueberry yogurt, so I used it in this recipe and it went perfectly with the berry filling. Plus, less fat for this already fairly healthy recipe.

3. Press the crust into the non-stick or lightly sprayed 9″ round pan. Use your hand or a spoon to mold it to the pan.

4. Bake at 350F for 7 minutes. Set aside and chill for an hour. You can always make this pie crust a day ahead.

5. Let’s work on the filling – use the mixer or food processor for best (i.e. smoothest) results. Mix the cream cheese, banana, crushed graham crackers and half of blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries (reserve the rest for decoration). The little bit of extra graham crackers adds a nice crunch to the filling and ties it with the crust so well.

6. When ready, fill the crust with the filling and decorate with extra berries on top. Serve well chilled (at least a few hours).

Get Ready to Bake: