Fun Chicken Nuggets Recipe
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Fun Chicken Nuggets Recipe

Fun chicken nuggets My son is not a fan of frozen chicken nuggets – they taste bland and quickly get the freezer burn. However, the chicken I make for our family is not kid-friendly enough for him. My solution – make flavorful chicken patties and then use a dinosaur-shaped sandwich cutter or cookie cutter to make creative shapes before you cook them. You can substitute the chicken for turkey and other spices if your toddler will tolerate it. Using cold (but not frozen) ground chicken makes it easier to shape the patties into desired shapes. My picky eater is now eating the chicken all the time.

Serves 6


  • 1-1.5 pound ground chicken
  • 1/2 white onion
  • 5 medium white mushrooms (optional)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup plain bread crumbs
  • 1tbsp coarse salt
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce


1. Fine chop half an onion and add to the ground chicken mixture.

2. Chop the mushrooms and add to the mixture (optional step).

3. Add 1 egg, salt, Worcestershire sauce to the chicken and mix everything well.

4. Add bread crumbs and mix well. You may need a little more or less of the bread crumbs; mix slowly and add as needed.

5. Spread on a cookie sheet in a 1-inch layer and use the sandwich or cookie cutters to make a few fun shapes.

6. Heat 1 tbsp of olive oil in a large skillet. Cook patties in the covered skillet on medium heat about 5 minutes on each side (until they are browned well).

7. Make remaining mixture into plain patties if you like.

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