Favorite BBQ Chicken recipe
FFaavvoorriittee BBBBQQ CChhiicckkeenn rreecciippee

Favorite BBQ Chicken recipe

BBQ chicken Chicken is like a canvas – you dress it up with herbs, spices and sauces and it is transformed into a whole different creature. BBQ sauce gives it a big kick and a ton of flavor. In this recipe, the chicken breast is browned first with spices (BBQ rub is critical!) to sear the top and then basted in your favorite BBQ sauce. I love experimenting with different BBQ sauces (or you can make your own), so your chicken recipe is always changing. Because of the extra zing, this chicken goes well with mild sides, such as rice; or try the sweet potatoes baked which add to the sweetness in the BBQ sauce.

Serves 4


  • 8 thin or 5 thick chicken breasts
  • 1 cup BBQ sauce of your choice
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp kosher salt
  • 1 tbsp BBQ spice rub


1. Wash the chicken breasts and cut them in half if you are using thick pieces. Towel dry.

2. Heat up a large skillet with a bit of olive oil.

3. Season each side of chicken breasts with salt, BBQ spice rub and garlic powder. Place on the heated skillet.

4. Heat up the oven to 375F

5. Turn over the chicken once one side is slightly browned and cook on the skillet for 3 more minutes or until the other side is browned. Don’t cook the chicken all the way through.

6. Cover the small baking sheet with BBQ sauce – enough to cover the sheet, but don’t create a puddle.

7. Move the chicken from the skillet to the pan, placing the breasts over the BBQ sauce. Baste the chicken with the remaining half cup of BBQ sauce.

8. Place in the oven (at 375F) uncovered for 30 minutes.

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