Puffy Apple Pie recipe
PPuuffffyy AAppppllee PPiiee rreecciippee

Puffy Apple Pie recipe

applesThis apple pie is perfect for the days when leaves are turning yellow and you feel like getting cozy with family and friends. Use tangy-tasting apples (green apples work best). This recipe has been passed by generations in my family and I hope you will find this apple pie as delightful as I did when I first tried it!

Serves 8


  • 3 eggs (medium)
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup white flour
  • 5 medium green apples


Puffy Apple Pie1. Beat 3 eggs and 1 cup of sugar until they have a consistency of foam.

2. Slowly add 1 cup of flour, continue mixing into foam again.

3. Set batter aside for 30 minutes.

4. Cut apples in 2-3″ chunky pieces, take out the core.

5. Prepare a rounded baking pan, butter it lightly and sprinkle some flour.

6. Put apples on the bottom of the pan. You should have the pan covered up to 2/3 high.

7. Pour the mixed batter over the apples; don’t worry if apples are showing through the batter. Let stand for about 10 minutes.

8. Heat the oven to 400F

9. Cook for 40 minutes. Pie is ready when the top puffs up and becomes golden brown.

Despite the time involved, the effort is really minimal. This dessert will save you time and time again! And it’s delivious with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream.

Get Ready to Bake:

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