Sexy Forever: Advice from Suzanne Somers, the Queen of Fitness
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Sexy Forever: Advice from Suzanne Somers, the Queen of Fitness

Suzanne Somers New Book: Sexy Forever, How to Fight Fat After Forty

Suzanne Somers is continuously reinventing herself with new ways to stay fit. Her new book “Sexy Forever: How to Fight Fat After Forty” released just in December of 2010 offers advice for both men and women on how to fight fat after 40, combat toxins, and become slim, vibrant, healthy and sexy — forever. There is a companion website – – that is en extension of the book’s ideas with a lot of useful tools, including a personalized online plan. The meal plans are nice, but the shopping lists are especially helpful. Suzanne understands how the hormonal changes affect the weight balance as we age, and her own cancer diagnosis made her take a serious look at the toxins in our food and everyday life. It’s no surprise she embraced organic foods and materials and green cleaning. Moreover, she discovered how hidden food allergies may affect your weight due to your body’s intolerance of certain foods you may not be aware of until you take a test. “Suzanne is a health pioneer in every sense”, says Mike Keriakos, President and Co-Founder of Everyday Health, “which is why we’re excited to bring her new weight-loss program online as a part of the Everyday Health portfolio.” My interest in this book is not thanks to any promotional ties (which there are none), but simply because I find this multi-faceted approach very insightful and the perspective on the effects of aging a useful one. Suzanne shared a few facts about her book and lifestyle advice in this quick interview.

What’s your favorite new recipe to help anyone stay sexy?

I adore cooking and eating great food, and staying sexy is a lifestyle — it’s caring for yourself and the ones you love. There is nothing better than an evening with my husband, dining by candlelight on organic greens from my garden (with extra virgin olive oil, fresh lemon, and sea salt), and grass-fed beef cut into quarter-inch slices and pounded lightly. I like to rub a smashed clove of garlic on both sides of the slices, sprinkle with olive oil, and add a sprig or two of fresh rosemary and pan fry. It’s simple to prepare, elegant, and sumptuous. I serve it with roasted tomatoes and a small chunk of fresh goat cheese.

Can you share any anecdotal stories about what inspired you to bring Sexy Forever online?

Whenever I release a book I get flooded with questions from people who have read it, but want specific information about their personal case – so if they know me, they call. I’m happy to help when I can, but I also get so many emails and letters from people who need extra advice – who don’t have my home number. Holding people’s hands through the process was a huge inspiration for creating the companion web site. Now everyone’s questions can be answered and I can help walk them through the plan to lose the weight and get healthy. It’s a fully interactive experience that augments and builds upon the material in my book, and a wonderful community of support and encouragement.

What are your favorite sites and why?

I am always scouring alternative medical sites, as well as the traditional Western medical sites; I like to be up on the latest research and news. And of course my numerous doctor friends send me their health articles and research. Once I’ve read those, I drill down for more information using the Internet.

How is different from your book?

suzanne somers bookMy book Sexy Forever has it all in the context a book can deliver. is the online home for my book and an exciting complement — it provides a robust online community experience that is personalized for users’ needs and responsive to their interests. It has everything you need to know about my scientifically designed weight-loss program, including diagnostic tools to help you uncover your hidden obstacles to losing weight with an easy and effective plan to help you blow past them. What’s great about the site is that it’s like having me there to take you step by step through the plan with daily newsletters, meal plans, shopping lists, a huge recipe index, and a community of people who all share the same goals. Plus, I can keep people updated with new information as it comes in. For women and men over 40, is a one-stop shop for support and cutting-edge information on restoring our bodies and keeping weight off to be absolutely sexy — forever.