Patience as the Biggest Virtue in your Daily Diet
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Patience as the Biggest Virtue in your Daily Diet

slow downNew Year’s resolutions have come and gone. Now it’s a free for all with new fitness plans, diets that promise rapid and incredible results, cozy comfort foods during the cold winter months, and the search for something better that never stops. Why do we never stop? It’s a rush – rush to get things done, rush to make it to work, to pick up the kids at school and get them off to their activities, rush to make dinner for the family, rush to do laundry or any other chores. Insert deep breath now. Stop.

Or rather, pause.

Let’s imagine how different your life would be if you paused? Would you make better decisions? Would you be less stressed? Would you plan better? And, as related to the subject of this story, would you eat differently?

It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to recognize and signal to you that your stomach is full. Guess what would happen if you ate your entire meal before 20 minutes were up? I can tell you it’s a secret to gaining weight. Are you interested in gaining weight? Unless you’re a competitive bodybuilder or an actor playing someone much larger, my guess is you’re looking for the opposite. So be a turtle at the table, slow down, chew, pause, breathe, then, and only then, chew again. Not only will you digest your food better, but you will notice when you’re full and regulate the amount of food you eat on your own. This may be a different timeline for liquids, as they’re digested faster, but the same idea of pausing and slowing down, will still apply.

Try this for a month at every meal or when you remember – because who is disciplined like that? – and comment if you see a difference. Not only will you be improving your diet, but you may notice how this will affect other areas of your life. When you get home from work, instead of running through your usual quick routine, take a pause, and assess what is really a priority and what can wait. After that task is done, reassess again, take another pause. Of course, parents may be rolling their eyes right about now. Who can take a pause when surrounded by little loud creatures demanding your 100% attention? Trust me, this magic trick of slowing down will apply to everyone, no matter how hectic your life is. ESPECIALLY when your life is hectic. It will help with patience – first of all, for yourself, but it will quickly translate to your friends and family.

Slowing down can teach you to be patient with yourself, be kinder to yourself, and that is a special gift.