Spring Craft Projects
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Spring Craft Projects

Warm weather is a great inspiration for curious little minds – everything around them is an adventure waiting to be explored. All the sights and sounds of spring are amazing motivation to recreate this little piece of sunshine with some kind of art. A few of the following Spring craft project activities will surely be fun, and your little preschooler will love making something reminiscent of spring. These creations may not look perfect but spending time together will be.

Bird house row

Spring Crafts - houses


  • two pages of colorful construction paper
  • glue
  • scissors
  • variety of small stickers (flower and insects preferable)
  • ribbon and/or glitter


1. Cut 3 pieces of different color construction paper, 5×10″ strips in size each.

2. One of the pieces will be the base, leave it flat. Fold each of the other two pieces sideways – they are the bird houses.

3. Start cutting the folded pieces in strips of different width.

4. Fold each of the birdhouse strips as an accordion.

5. Pinch the “roof” of each house with your fingers and apply glue to the bottom base. Press on the base to stick. Space out the houses in different patterns or do an even row.

6. Decorate the bird houses: cut and glue pieces of ribbon, glitter and stickers on. Go crazy!

April Showers

Spring Crafts - April Showers


  • a paper plate
  • 20-30″ of string or yarn
  • tinfoil
  • glue
  • scissors
  • blue and/or white tissue paper


1. This step is for adults only. Using the needle and string, sew 5 medium size hanging loops on the paper plate. Another option is making small holes in the plate and pulling 5 cut-up strings of yarn.

2. Cut squares of tinfoil and wrap each one around the strings hanging from the plate. This is your rain.

3. Cut a large piece (or entire sheet) of blue tissue paper (or combine with a square of white). Scrunch a bit and glue on top of the paper plate. The easiest way to do it is to wrap it around the top of the plate and gluing under and along the sides of the plate. This is your cloud.

4. Take it outside on a windy day and enjoy watching the rain drops move.

May Flowers

Spring Crafts - May Flowers


  • a paper plate
  • three long 4-inch wide strips of foam paper of various colors
  • ribbon
  • glue
  • scissors
  • tinfoil (optional)
  • stickers and glitter for additional decoration


1. Take two strips of the different color foam paper and cut 10+ “petals” of 1-2 inches wide each.

2. Attach the petals to the edges of the paper plate using glue or glue stick.

3. Decorate the petals with stickers and/or glitter.

4. Use the remaining strip of foam paper as a stem, gluing it to the plate. We like to wrap the stem in tinfoil for a brighter look but you don’t have to.

5. Cut strips of ribbon and glue them to the stem, like branches.

6. Decorate the flower plate more if desired.