Fall Craft Projects for Preschoolers
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Fall Craft Projects for Preschoolers

Fall happens to be my favorite season. I love the splashes of color around the foliage, the break from the summer heat, an occasional rain and two of the best holidays for family – Halloween and Thanksgiving. So, since nature serves as inspiration, we looked outside to find the latest crafting activities. Here are my three favorite Fall craft projects.

Pinecone Chimes

pinecone chime


  • 5-7″ wooden stick
  • 10-12 pinecones
  • hemp wire or picture wire (enough for 5 long strings
  • scissors
  • 10-15 bells (sold at craft stores)
  • 10-15 metal buttons or gears
  • ribbon


1. Drill 5 holes evenly across a wooden stick. This will help stabilize the wire strings. However, if it’s not possible, you will need glue to secure the strings to the wooden stick.

2. Pull one of the wire strings through the middle hole in the stick and form a knot to attach it to the stick (or, if using glue, tie it around the middle and glue to the stick). Form a loop at the top of the string and tie with a knot. This loop is for hanging the chimes.

3. Cut 4 more long strings (at least 15″ long). Pull another string through the next hole and tie it to the stick.

4. A few inches down, tie a pinecone to the string. This may get a little messy, so you may prefer to do this craft outside. When securing the pinecone, wrap the wire under the pinecone layers, so the string is not too visible.

5. A few inches down, string a few metal buttons or gears and one or more bells.

6. Repeat the pattern further down the same string with another pinecone and more gears, buttons and bells.

7. Finish with a bell at the end of the string and form a knot to secure. Your first pinecone string is done.

8. Repeat this pattern with 3 more strings.

9. Wrap a ribbon around the stick for a more pleasing visual effect. Secure with glue or a rubber band.

10. Hang outside and enjoy the melodies of nature!

Leaf Prints

leaf prints


  • sheet of firm (preferably construction) paper
  • leaves of varying shapes and sizes (as many as you like)
  • paint (acrylic works best for this craft)


1. Take a walk around the block or park and pick the prettiest leaves with your child. Let the little imaginations run wild by going further and picking other nature items to make prints with – pinecones, small sticks, etc.

2. Dip the leaves/sticks in paint(s) and lightly print on the paper.

3. Let it dry for 1 hour and get ready to display your new favorite art!

Fall Crown

Fall crown


  • one 18″ or larger sheet of white foam paper
  • scissors
  • staples and stapler
  • a variety of Halloween and fall stickers


1. This is an easy project that even a toddler can create with you and proudly display later on. Cut a 10″ wide high piece of foam (however, in terms of length – the longer, the better).

2. Draw a zigzag triangle pattern at the top and then cut along these lines for a crown effect. Though you can also use construction paper for this craft, you will find that foam is much more pliable and easier for the little hands to cut. There is nothing like boosting confidence in someone who is just learning to cut straight.

3. Roll the crown together into a cylinder and attach the ends together with a stapler. Your crown is ready, now it’s time to decorate.

4. Go wild with all kinds of fall stickers – leaves, pumpkins, ghosts and anything else your little one likes about fall.

5. Time to crown your king or queen!