Outdoor Projects Kids will Love
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Outdoor Projects Kids will Love

The Story of the Family Bench… and Kids Prints

outdoor bench

This bench has a long history – marking its 100th anniversary in 2013. It started with my husband’s great grandfather, Jacob, who acquired it in 1913. He said it was the most comfortable bench ever made.

A generation later, my husband’s grandmother Mildred kept the bench in her backyard. Through the 1940s and 50s, it was treated with moderate upkeep. The wood slats were replaced or sanded a few times. A fresh coat of paint was applied now and then. By the 60s, rainbow colors quickly transformed it into the hip place to rest your bottom.

in a Hulk teeMy husband Dave took control of the bench’s destiny by the late 70s. This was his preteen superhero obsession years. He once painted himself, and the bench green to emulate that Incredible Hulk. Fueling this was the popular new TV series starring Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno that Dave viewed religiously on CBS channel 2 in Chicago. The bench remained green for years, although steadily peeling. After all, who would mess with the Hulk?

bench start

Once the bench finally made its way to our house, Dave restored it by stripping and repainting the metal parts, then and added new teak wood.

bench restored

Naturally, the outdoor bench lost its luster, so I suggested instead of simply replacing the wood, why not get the kids involved? The Family Bench Project began.

  • Number 2 pine was purchased at a local lumber supply.
  • Then Dave ripped the lumber, cut pieces to length and routed edges.
  • Each piece was lightly sanded to prep the wood for painting

sanding the bench

  • Kids got dressed in their least favorite clothes and the painting began! They painted the first few planks free form – anything goes! I couldn’t resist adding a heart but they did everything else themselves. My advice – don’t go crazy with the colors – have 3 basics and then mix into more combinations, which is also a nice lesson on making new colors. We poured each paint color into little tinfoil cups, so it was very easy cleanup afterwards. Make sure that you have water and soap nearby to wash hands as soon as you are done.

painting the bench

  • We decided to cover the other 2 slats with prints – one with handprints and one with footprints. This was the kids’ favorite part. Make sure your paints are non-toxic and that you wash the hands/feet as soon as you are done with the painting.

bench slats

  • After drying overnight, the wood was lightly sanded with extra-fine grit paper. 3-4 layers of clear coat were applied to preserve the paint and wood. This bench is outside at all times, so protection from the elements is a must.
  • We had old paint stripped off the original metal pieces. After blasting and priming, the parts were powder coated navy blue. That process took a week and it was well worth it.

bench sides metal

  • Dave re-assembled the metal parts, then drilled the holes and assembled the bench slats.
  • Bench renovation is complete!

bench kids


  1. I love this! So sweet to have something like that passed down through generations! I would love to have something like that! And I love that you included your kids, which will make it sentimental to them too… great stuff. I’ll have to think of some way to do this at my house, and create something my little Dominic will want to pass down to his children. :o)

    Happy SITS Day and thanks for sharing!
    Leah Sannar recently posted…CCFA: Research News & “Take Steps” WalkMy Profile

  2. Jen

    So adorable….I love getting my kid involved with my projects! We sprayed our trash can once with pictures of flowers and the recycling symbol so our garbage men knew the difference…..but then the next day we found our kid spraying the pretty paint all over our neighbor’s bench and garage door. WHOOOOOPS!
    Jen recently posted…To the Kid Haters (Me Included)My Profile

  3. Pingback: CafeYak - Naptime break for Mommies - The SITS Girls

  4. Oh Anna,
    I just love this post. I can see this story being made into a wonderful novel, tracing the history of a place of rest/creativity/work… I hope your family will always be able to keep this bench, and keep reinventing it through the years! Happy SITS day:)
    Seana Turner recently posted…Making Change HappenMy Profile

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