10 Tips for Traveling with Baby
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10 Tips for Traveling with Baby

flying with babyTraveling with baby can be quite an adventure. If you’re a new mom or dad who has a travel bug, better take good notes. You can have a fun trip with your baby as long as you are prepared and have realistic expectations.

  1. Know where you are going. Make sure you have the maps and addresses. Make sure you have your phone with all the key numbers – of where you are staying, of your pediatrician, of a local baby store. My iPhone was a life-saver on a trip – I absolutely loved the map feature where I could zoom in and get step by step directions.
  2. Be prepared for the worst, but hope for the best. When traveling with baby, bring enough diapers, baby wipes and clothes for the entire trip. Some people would recommend just enough to make it to your destination and then shopping at the location. However, if you are traveling with one or more babies, shopping at an unfamiliar location may not be your preferred way to spend the time. It is a good idea to check on the airports (if you plan to spend some time flying). A lot of them have baby supplies readily available in the bathrooms or even have rooms where you can rest or nurse the baby. There is nothing like being delayed on flights and running out of diapers.
  3. Don’t underestimate the weather. Perhaps, it’s a warm November and you are traveling to see your sister in North Carolina for Thanksgiving. Don’t just plan for the nice sunny days. Consider a change for the worse and bring extra jackets, hats, socks and warm outfits.
  4. Be an entertainer. No, we are not suggesting spoiling your baby rotten, but many parents will enjoy quiet time on the plane/in a car if the baby is happy. The older your pumpkin, the more entertainment he is going to need – toys, books, etc. For smaller babies, just having you around is comforting. Bring a few familiar toys but also keep some surprises that could be pulled out sporadically. If you don’t know already, learn a few baby games or songs.
  5. A full baby is a happy baby. If you are breastfeeding, bring a shawl or good cover-up, as some airlines may balk if you don’t. If your baby eats formula and or finger foods, bring enough for the trip and then buy more at your destination. Always bring extra bibs and pacifiers. Disposables are more expensive, but have the advantage of lightening your luggage. If you are flying, make sure the baby is not too full and not hungry before takeoff. Feeing the munchkin during takeoff may be helpful in reducing ear pressure.
  6. Help your baby burn some energy. Don’t just sit there, move around together. If you are on a plane, he will enjoy watching the surroundings/other passengers and will be distracted if he cries. If you are driving, make frequent stops and take the baby out of the car seat, so he can stretch a little.
  7. Pick your travel gear wisely. Some frequent-traveler parents love the stroller car seat. It’s two necessary items in one and this makes your packing lighter, which is a huge advantage when traveling with baby. However, you don’t have to bring all your gear with you on the trip. Most hotels now offer a porta-crib for the baby to sleep in for free. You just need to order it in advance when you are booking your trip. Many rental car companies will also offer you a car seat, as long as you ask for it in advance. There are also companies that will rent you a car seat, a crib, even toys at your destination. If you choose to use these rentals, make sure you bring a clean sheet and plenty of wipes to keep the germs away.
  8. Pack smart. This is not just traveling solo – baby items will take a lot of extra room and weight in your luggage. This means you have to pack smart for yourself and not overpack.
  9. Pack early. If you have the basics ready a few days before and finish up the day before, you will save yourself some stress and will be able to concentrate on other things.
  10. Talk to other moms. There is sure to be another good tip out there.