Nursing on the Go: Practical solutions for breastfeeding dilemmas
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Nursing on the Go: Practical solutions for breastfeeding dilemmas

breastfeeding babyBreastfeeding is the best food for your baby. Breastfeeding for a year, and at least 6 months exclusively, has been shown to offer incredible benefits to both the newborn and the mom. But it doesn’t come easily to most moms. It may take some effort, it may not be convenient, especially when you have more than one small child in the house, and it can certainly be a challenge when you are out and about. After all, nobody wants to stay confined to the house, and if you’ve got other kids, you have no choice. No matter the location, you could benefit from a nursing cover – a nursing shawl or wrap, or a baby sling. All of these are intended to help you breastfeed more discreetly. You should know that by law it is your right to breastfeed wherever you need to, but being covered may help you relax, and that in turn can improve milk production. You could do it with just a simple blanket but I find the nursing cover very convenient – you see the baby but are otherwise covered to the public. Nursing cover is a life-saver at parks, restaurants, museums and many other locations. Nursing in public is a little challenging but it can be done. Here are a few practical solutions to breastfeeding situations.

Location: The Mall

First, look for a nursing room. Select malls now offer a small room with a chair, discreetly tucked in near bathrooms or kids’ play areas. If your nearby mall does not offer one, but you frequent the place, don’t hesitate to contact the manager and suggest such a room. You may come there more often and potentially spend more money, which should be enough of an incentive, aside from making the place more kid- and mom-friendly.

If nursing room is missing, find a department store, such as Macy’s or Nordstrom, with a good size women’s lounge – a larger sitting area near the bathrooms. This area will allow for some privacy and comfort. Plus, the changing table will be just nearby.

If shopping at a store, consider asking the sales person if you can breastfeed in a fitting room. It shouldn’t take you more than 20 minutes per child and many stores will be accommodating of a crying baby.

Location: Grocery Store

Many moms can easily breastfeed their baby in a sling as they are walking around shopping for groceries. This can be accomplished if you get used to your sling first. However, there are other options.

Most stores have benches nearby. Nursing in the aisle while others are shopping is inconvenient to both you and the shoppers. So ask the grocery sales person to hold your cart and walk outside to a bench to nurse. Of course, this is only feasible if weather permits, otherwise you can always walk back to your car to feed the baby.

Another option at the grocery store is to ask the manager or another worker if you can use their break room for breastfeeding your baby. This will offer more privacy and comfort, and may take less time than getting comfortable on a bench outside or in a car.

Location: Restaurant

You will be most comfortable at a restaurant in a booth – there is cushion for support, plus there is the back for some privacy. If this is not a possible, a table further away from the door, the kitchen and other tables is the best pick. Sitting near other parents will make it easier, since they will be more tolerant of a crying baby.

If your baby is ready for solid foods in addition to breast milk, try a food mill which will allow you to make a yummy lunch or dinner out of regular restaurant foods, as long as you are confident about their contents. Another option when you are brave to dine out with your little ones is to bring pumped milk in a bottle.

Nursing in public comfortably takes time, so be patient and know that you will succeed the more you practice it.