Homework – finally getting it done
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Homework – finally getting it done

homeworkDo you think homework struggles start in Junior High? I would suggest much earlier, when your job as a parent is to explain tasks, create a comfortable working environment and encourage your child to learn working hard and thinking for himself. As tasks become more complex each year, I decided (before it’s too late) to turn for answers to Mandy Ginsberg, CEO of Tutor.com that provides online, on-demand tutoring.

How can you motivate your child to complete his homework?

The best way to motivate your child is to set expectations and then have a plan to carry them out. Let your child know you expect him to finish homework each day. Have a routine that is consistent and right for your child’s schedule and personality. If you have a high school student with hours of homework, let him take breaks—it’s fine to check Facebook or text with a friend for a few minutes and then get back on track. And you can break the “finish your homework” rule when your child has spent hours on homework, is exhausted and frustrated. Let him put the pencil down and get some sleep. You may want to contact the teacher and let them know your child put in the work, but simply couldn’t finish the assignment.

How much should a parent be involved in homework process? What’s the best approach?

If you are lucky enough to understand your child’s homework (50 percent of parents say they can’t help with homework), it’s tempting to help a bit too much. You start helping with one problem and all of sudden you’re doing it all. I follow the rule of one and done – help your child do one question and make sure they understand the underlying concept. Then let her finish the homework on her own. She’ll feel more success and you’ll know she really learned the material.

Are there certain common homework obstacles kids struggle with?

Tutor.com helps about 6,000 students every night and the problem we hear most is “I didn’t understand this in class.” Even the best teachers don’t always connect with every child, especially in classes of 20+ students. When a kid doesn’t understand the subject in class, the homework can be really frustrating. That’s why I always recommend that you get your child help early and make sure they understand what’s happening in class on a day-to-day so that they don’t fall behind.

Is there a perfect time or environment for homework?

No! Every child and every household is different. In my own home, my high school daughter plays sports and has other activities after school so homework starts after dinner. You have to find the right groove for your child. Some kids are happy to come home and open the books right away while others need to hang out and have a snack first. Just pick what’s right for your child and stick to that routine.

What’s the best way to establish a working relationship with your child’s teacher to discuss homework?

We have more than 3,000 tutors at Tutor.com and over 50% of them are teachers. They have given us great advice on this topic. Introduce yourself to the teacher at the beginning of the year either in-person or via email. Make sure you attend back-to-school night and your child’s parent-teacher conference. These touch points early in the year will help create a good relationship. Email is one of the best ways to stay in touch with teachers throughout the year.

Should homework completion be rewarded or treated as business as usual?

Homework is part of being a student just like brushing your teeth is part of taking care of your body. In my house, we treat it as business as usual. I want my daughter to take responsibility for her homework and have good study skills for college, but that doesn’t mean we don’t celebrate big wins. If she has been working for weeks on a paper or finishes a stressful exam, we’ll celebrate with a family dinner out. Other families may have a movie night, go out for ice cream or let their child download a few new apps.

When do you know you need a tutor?

If your child is asking for help with homework a few times a week, seems generally frustrated about school, and/or complains about a class or teacher, then it’s time to get help. Most parents wait until a bad report card comes home, but you’ll see these signs long before a report card is issued and the earlier you get help, the better. You don’t want your child to get so frustrated that he gets turned off a subject that he may be really great at with the right help.

What are some success stories of kids working with tutors via Tutor.com?

We have done more than 10 million tutoring and homework sessions so there are more than I can share here! One of my favorites is a young woman who first tried Tutor.com after failing a middle school math class. She took the class again and with Tutor.com’s help had the highest grade in the class. She went on to take college level calculus classes! We also help many students taking AP classes keep up with the tough and fast-paced curriculum. What we love best is that students tell us they are motivated and confident after they work with Tutor.com and 90 percent of students improve their grades.

How do you decide how much tutoring is required?

It depends on your child. What we love about online tutoring is that families get to choose how much time their child needs day-to-day and week-to-week. You don’t have to stick to a specific schedule. Some students may need to work with a tutor pretty regularly if they have fallen behind in a subject and need to master several concepts. Other kids just need help once in a while to stay on track. Check in with your child to see how they are doing on homework, quizzes and exams to ensure they are getting results from their tutoring.

Can you get your kids to like homework?

It’s a pretty universal truth that kids are not super excited about doing homework, but they do love success and that feeling of accomplishment. So while homework can be a drag, the reward of a great grade is worth it!
Do you struggle with homework or is it a breeze for your kids? Share your thoughts!


  1. Great tips! I have five kids and each of them has had to find their own way with homework — no two have been alike. My last two are in high school, junior and sophomore. We’re in the process of figuring out what works with their new schedules. It’s an ongoing thing. Luckily, they still have older siblings in the house to help with homework because my brain just doesn’t remember how to do most of it anymore.

    Congratulations on your SITS day. I hope it’s been a wonderful day for you.
    misssrobin recently posted…Uterine Prolapse — I’m a Little ObsessedMy Profile

  2. Happy SITS day. Glad that you were featured! We homeschool now due to the problems of teachers not connecting and lots of tutors and help. I remember the homework days and we all used to dread them. But, after a really great vice-principal stepped in during my son’s 3rd grade year homework days were a little better.

  3. Happy SITS Day! I hope you have a great one!

    When my kids were in traditional school (we started homeschooling this year via online school), I tried very hard to be connected to the teacher and open with them about things that were relevant to my children. I let them know that they could call me any time of the day or email me, and if ever I noticed an issue at home, I asked if they saw it, too, and asked for advice (i.e. struggles in writing, math, reading). I even was able to work out a plan with one teacher when we realized that my middle kid was very easily distracted by others. When it came time to do his seat work, he got to go to a secluded area to work and it helped tremendously with the amount of work he was bringing home. Truth is, you never know what can or cannot be done for your child unless you ask, and the more you see your child through someone else’s eyes, the more you can help them since they don’t have the same bias as you.

    Now that we homeschool, it’s like all work is homework. It has its own set of challenges. You have to be very careful not to help too much, but at the same time you get to be doubly sure they understand concepts. There is a fine line, and it is one that is not always easy to find. Sometimes you have to start over, sometimes you need to refresh and other times things are smooth sailing – just like everything in life. 🙂

    Great post and tips!
    Julie Moore recently posted…Monthly Milestones {3}My Profile

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