Baby Essentials: Three must-haves for every room
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Baby Essentials: Three must-haves for every room

babyimage New parents are often compelled to buy an extensive amount of baby products. My advice – wait until they ask you, and in the meantime focus on the essentials. Here are a few baby essentials you will need.

Baby’s Bedroom

The essentials for a baby’s bedroom include:

  • a good crib
  • a changing table
  • a dresser (unless you have lots of storage space)

Everything else is above and beyond. Of course, it’s nice to have a theme for the room and many stores sell theme bedding and wall decor. My advice is to use the basics for the first baby room. Once your child can express his or her likes and dislikes, then decorate the room together – it will be more fun. If you are planning to breastfeed, having a nice rocking chair and/or a boppy pillow is helpful. When selecting your crib and changing table, check for recalls and try to buy new (used cribs may have flaws that were improved on later on).

Baby’s Bathroom

Summer Infant Rite Temp Baby Bath TubBath time can be quite simply done in a sink for a while – most likely kitchen sink, since these are usually deeper. However, folding baby tubs are very convenient too, as long as the surface is non-slippery and comes with some useful extras (such as a place to put your washcloths. You will certainly need bath towels and washcloths, as well as bath shampoos and soap. Bath toys, books and wall decals are a great distraction for an older baby and storage for these toys is useful. A more essential product is a bucket and faucet cover. As your toddler learns to wash his hands and go potty, you will need a stepstool and a potty.

Baby’s Kitchen

The key essential for a great baby meal is… patience. On a more serious note, all you need is a highchair. A highchair that is foldable can be easily taken to grandma’s house; easy cleaning ensures that it will last longer; ability to shift the seat and straps will help it grow with your child – these are key when picking a good highchair.
As with cribs, be careful about any potential recalls – check before you buy. Other useful products in the kitchen include a good set of sippy cups and bottles, baby cutlery and bibs.
Shop for these kitchen essentials now:

Baby’s Backyard

If you ask your little one what his favorite thing to do is, the answer will definitely be Play!. Being outside is good for both of you, but for you budding explorer there is a big and interesting world out there. At first, your most important outdoor play product will be a stroller. Pick one well, since it can be fairly expensive. Look at the purpose it will serve you. If you are an avid runner, Bob stroller is great for easy maneuvering. If you are having twins or two kids closely together, get a double stroller.
Light umbrella strollers are perfect for travelers, though they are also light on storage space. For outdoor play, any kind of ball is an easy pleaser, but having a toy car and water set will be a trill. Shop for these backyard essentials now:

Radio Flyer Town & Country Red Wagon

Baby’s Library

How do you raise a bookworm? It’s simple – read together and have books around for your child to read alone. Reading to your baby is one of the best things you can do. Reading brings you closer together. It is a chance for your baby to discover new sounds, colors and textures. He already loves hearing your voice. It is a win for everyone. These days there is a multitude of books available both at your local bookstores and online. Check out our Book Shop for a few of our favorites.

Shop Baby Essentials:

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