Ten Things to Enjoy before Having a Baby
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Ten Things to Enjoy before Having a Baby

Sailing_CatamaranFull disclosure: the idea for this story is the brainchild of my husband Dave, who often reminisces of things we used to be able to do before kids. It’s true, your life will never be the same once the baby arrives. But despite the lack of sleep or rest, it’s the most rewarding experience. Still, there are things parents miss once they no longer have all the time for themselves.

Here are the ten things you should do before venturing into babyland.

Go out to a fancy restaurant (and have a 5-course dinner)

You will soon be nostalgic for long dinners, food that requires longer than 30 minutes to cook (by somebody else of course!), and a relaxed atmosphere. While a babysitter can offer a break, the longer the break, the costlier it will be. So before having a baby, enjoy a night out while you can and make it special! Wine flight, anyone?

Go on an Adventure

Once strollers are in place, going on a hike, or paragliding, or even horseback riding will be out of the question, at least for a while. Go camping or explore the neighboring peaks when you can.

Take a Long Vacation

A long vacation is not only rejuvenating, it’s necessary before you throw yourself into parenting. Take time to enjoy the sunsets, take a leisurely stroll on a beach, or get a long massage you will miss later on. A vacation before having a baby is truly rewarding, a vacation during pregnancy is a nice babymoon, and once you have kids, a vacation will always be an adventure.

Stay Out Late

No matter the age, there is something invigorating about staying late for a friends’ party or that long-awaited concert. Once kids arrive, you will most likely be so tired that staying out late will sound more like punishment than fun. And don’t forget the cost of babysitting! So go ahead, see the shows you want to see and don’t worry about the time you get back home.

Live in the City

Depending how close you are to urban life, this is not always an option. And yes, many families happily reside in the cities with kids. But there is something special about the open space, numerous parks and less congestion that small towns and suburbs provide. City life offers incredible excitement – with more theaters, clubs, events, and restaurants. So if you are in or near a big city, go ahead and enjoy all the city life has to offer before you have kids.

Talk to your Spouse and Friends more

With kids around, they will want your attention most of the time, or you will want to keep a close eye on them. So enjoy time being able to have a nice conversation with your husband or friends, because soon you won’t be able to squeeze in more than a few sentences, on a night in.

Read more

I think Kindle is one of the greatest inventions – it’s my on the go library. That said, I squeeze in minutes of reading here and there and having a small device to take with me makes it easier than heavy volumes of books like “Hunger Games” I see others lugging around. That said, the amount of reading I used to do in pre-baby days was a lot higher and more comprehensive. So take the time now to read, read, read! You may be too tired or too distracted to be able to read as much for a while.

Go Shopping or Run Errands

The biggest challenge post-kids is having time to yourself. I do not resent not having the time, I love spending the time I have with my kids. But when it comes to shopping or running errands, it’s a lot easier when you don’t have to get the stroller in and out or keep a watchful eye on the tots while you search for double-sided scotch tape or marinara sauce. Of course, it’s impossible to anticipate future errands – your best bet then is either being well organized (including the gear you will need) or having someone to watch the baby while you run those errands. If you can do anything before the baby’s arrival, do it now, don’t procrastinate.

Take on a Long Project

Dreaming of redesigning your closet or making a bookshelf (my husband was about to complete when my labor started ironically)? I wouldn’t encourage home renovations, since your home may be turned a bit upside down soon enough, but now is the perfect time to take on a long project. Take all the time you need on the weekend or at nights to complete it without any distractions or rush.

Learn Something New

Many moms manage to get or continue education while having a tot around. You can get a jump start on something you’ve always wanted to learn – be it a new language, a skill, or something relevant to your career – by doing it before you have kids and have more time. One of the best skills is getting more fit before you have the baby, so take on a new zumba class, or werq – the latest fitness sensation.

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