Why walking with your baby is good for both of you
Why walking with your baby is good for both of you

Why walking with your baby is good for both of you

baby walkA healthy infant’s schedule consists of food, sleep, bath, play and walk.
Most parents focus on the first two, as they are essential to baby’s well-being.

However, having the time and quality of the walk is good for both of you:

  • Both of you get some fresh air
  • You get to exercise (once your baby becomes a toddler, she will too)
  • Baby has the exposure to the world and satisfies her curiosity. New things and places help her brain develop.

A busy Mom may have plenty of excuses why not to walk – germs, weather, and lack of time.

Most pediatricians will discourage you from taking the baby out at least in the first month of her life, since her body is not yet strong enough to fight outside germs.
However, she did get a boost to her immunity from you, following birth, so don’t think of her as completely helpless. I would agree to start the walks once your daughter turns 1 month old.

As to time, you can run some errands as you walk the baby, depending on where you live. Those in the city can make an easy walk to the store or post office. Others may go to the mall. Outdoor malls are perfect, as you can shop or window-shop and at the same time get some fresh air. If you are a super-busy mom, consider this walk time as your time to re-charge – think of your plans, call friends, or just enjoy the scenery.

Don’t forget the physical benefits. Pushing the stroller at moderate to fast speed, you can burn 500 calories in 1 hour. Skip the gym and use this walk as your exercise.
Do the walk every day for an hour or two and your pregnancy weight will be gone in no time.

Weather can really put a damper on your outside plans. If the weather is nice, there are plenty of options where to take the baby for a stroll. You can try a local park, a zoo, a farmer’s market in the summer, a trail, or the ever-so-popular playground. There are plenty of options indoors as well. The easiest one is a play date with one of your friends. You can also try the mall, baby classes or open gym (such as Gymboree), or a museum on a weekday.

When you walk, try to point things out to your baby and describe them – she will enjoy hearing your voice and learning about the surroundings. If you have a colicky baby, a walk may be especially helpful, as she will be distracted by the outside world and calm down.

Start walking with your baby now!

What to pack in a diaper bag

  1. Diapers. 4-6 are a good supply.
  2. Baby wipes. Try Costco brand.
  3. Small bottle of baby oil (for the extra-dirty diapers)
  4. Diaper changing pad (pick one that’s easy to clean).
  5. A change of clothes for the baby
  6. A few extra toys (keep some as a surprise)
  7. Baby Tylenol
  8. Hand-sanitizing solution
  9. Bottle if you are bottle-feeding, shawl or blanket if breastfeeding, Juice for older babies
  10. A bag of Cheerios if your baby is ready for them

These are essentials and there are plenty of other things you can bring, but consider the weight. Remember to re-stock the diaper bag every night.

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